in English

Pakkaussuunnittelu (MGSA1018), 3 op

Basic information

Course name:Pakkaussuunnittelu
Packaging Design
Course Winha code:MGSA1018
Kurre acronym:
Type and level of course:Professional studies
Year of study, semester or study period:2.year
Implementation:Autumn semester
Language of tuition:Suomi
Teacher:Viktor Kaltala
Final assessment:Grading scale (0-5)



Vektorigrafiikka, Typografia I, Pikseligrafiikka, Graafinen suunnittelu

Course contents (core content level)

Marketing, advertising, consumer and envinromental requirements for packaging. Package design: target group, size, shape, structure, materials, colors. New technological solutions in packaging and package design. The nature, name and logo of a product. Selling product through packaging.

Course contents (additional)

Designing a package or line of packages

Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)

After the course the student is familiar with various requirements and possibilities of packaging and has knowledge of relevant legislation.

Core content level learning outcomes (skills)

After the course the student is able to desing functional and visually interesting packages for different kinds of products. He is able to solve various problems concerning packages and series of packages. The student is cabable of designing and implementing a packaging.

Recommended reading

Terhen Järvi-Kääriäinen, Annukka Leppänen-Turkula 2002: Pakkaaminen–Perustiedot pakkauksista ja pakkaamisesta. Pakkausteknologia–PTR ry ja Opetushallitus, Helsinki
Handouts at lectures

Teaching and learning strategies

Group assingments
Tutorial guidance
Assessment / Feedback

Teaching methods and student workload

Group exercises
Evaluation/Feed back
Oppimisen ohjaus

Assessment weighting and grading

Assessment is course work based

Related competences of the degree programme

Competencies for society and organisations
Ability to communicate visually
Competence of production technology / engineering
Communication and social competence
Personal development
Knowledge of communications’ history and traditions
Knowledge of communications’ business methods
