Basic information
Course name: | PC-TYÖYMPÄRISTÖ JA -LIIKENNE Windows operating environment and PC/MAC Communication |
Course Winha code: | MAGS2006 |
Kurre acronym: | |
Credits: | 3 |
Type and level of course: | Professional studies |
Year of study, semester or study period: | 1.year |
Implementation: | Spring semester |
Semester: | |
Language of tuition: | Suomi |
Teacher: | Juha Pohjola |
Final assessment: | Pass - Fail |
Mac operating environment, Vector Graphics, Publishing programs and Pixel Graphics.
Course contents (core content level)
An introduction to PC-operating environment and programs.
Course contents (additional)
Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)
Upon completion the student will be able to use computers in Windows operating environment.The student learns about the compatibilities and problems linked with PC and Mac operating systems when designing printing work.
Core content level learning outcomes (skills)
Recommended reading
Teaching and learning strategies
Teaching methods and student workload
Supervised assignment
Learning tasks / Assignments
Evaluation/Feed back
Assessment weighting and grading
Assessment is based on the following aspects; attendance at lectures, lectures, successfully passed assignments and a final exam.
Related competences of the degree programme
Knowledge of communications business methods
Competence of production technology / engineering
Personal development