WWW-sivut (MAGS2012), 3 op
Basic information
Course name: | WWW-sivut WWW-pages |
Course Winha code: | MAGS2012 |
Kurre acronym: | |
Credits: | 3 |
Type and level of course: | Professional studies |
Year of study, semester or study period: | 1.year |
Implementation: | Spring semester |
Semester: | |
Language of tuition: | Suomi |
Teacher: | Arja Vuorio |
Final assessment: | Grading scale (0-5) |
Image Processing (recommended: Internet)
Course contents (core content level)
We will take a look at different websites built by using various methods. Progress of the work and user interface plannning will also be discussed. Students build their own website.
Course contents (additional)
Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)
Upon completion the student will learn how to create and build www-pages.
Core content level learning outcomes (skills)
Recommended reading
Teaching and learning strategies
Coursework includes lectures and course assignments.
Teaching methods and student workload
Assessment weighting and grading
Assessment is based on all aspects of the unit; attendance at lectures, successfully passed assignments, building a functional website and a final exam.
Related competences of the degree programme