in English

Projektijohtaminen/IGPM (JAT11U), 3 op

Basic information

Course name:Projektijohtaminen/IGPM
Project Management
Course Winha code:JAT11U
Kurre acronym:
Type and level of course:Master, compulsory studies
Year of study, semester or study period:1.year
Implementation:Not defined
Language of tuition:Suomi
Teacher:Thomas Rohweder
Final assessment:Grading scale (0-5)



Bachelor's degree

Course contents (core content level)

Fundamentals of project management
- project management as a strategy implementation tool
- project stages:pre-planning, start-up, planning, scheduling, resource allocation, follow-up & steering, ending a project, feedback, quality evaluation and further development suggestions

Course contents (additional)

Utilization of project tools

Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)

The students understands the fundamentals of contemporary project management.
The student acquires a preliminary understanding of project management as a tool of strategy implementation.
The student identifies the basic project stages and project management tools.

Core content level learning outcomes (skills)

The student can apply contemporary project management tools, methods and principles in practice

Recommended reading

Virkki&Somerniemi. 2002. Projektityö, kehittämisen moottori, 7.p. Edita
Pelin, Risto. 2004. Projektihallinnan käsikirja, 4.p. Projektijohtaminen Oy Risto Pelin.
Ruuska, Kai. 1999. Projekti hallintaan. Suomen ATK-kustannus Oy.
Jalava & Virtanen. 2000. Innovatiiviseen projektijohtamiseen. Tammer-Paino Oy. (loppuunmyyty, löytyy Muotoiluinstituutin kirjastosta)
Jalava & Virtanen. 1998. Tietoa luova projekti, polku oppivaan organisaatioon. Kirjayhtymä 0y.
Karlsson & Mattila. 2001. Projektikirja. Onnistuneen projektin toteuttaminen. Kauppakaari. Tammer-Paino Oy.
Virtanen, Petri. 2000. Projektityö, 235 s. Porvoo. WS Bookwell Oy.
Ruuska, Kai. 2005. Pidä projekti hallinnassa. Talentum.
Berkun, Scott. 2005. Projektinhallinnan taito.
Forselius, Pekka, Karvinen Matti & Kosonen Matti. 2005. TIVI-projekten johtaminen: projektimallit ja läpivienti, Talentum.

Teaching and learning strategies

Interactive lectures
Report based on practical application

Teaching methods and student workload

Individual research, reading
Lectures and assignments

Assessment weighting and grading

100 % report on a 0-5 scale

Related competences of the degree programme

Advanced business competencies
Development competencies
