Asiakassuhdemarkkinointi (LES001), 3 op
Basic information
Course name: | Asiakassuhdemarkkinointi Customer Relations Marketing |
Course Winha code: | LES001 |
Kurre acronym: | |
Credits: | 3 |
Type and level of course: | Professional studies |
Year of study, semester or study period: | 2.year |
Implementation: | Not defined |
Semester: | 0708 |
Language of tuition: | Suomi |
Teacher: | |
Final assessment: | Grading scale (0-5) |
Marketing Planning and Implementation, Selling, Customer Service and Negotiation Skills
Course contents (core content level)
The essential points in this course are:
? The background of relationship marketing
? Relationship marketing and CRM as strategic tools
? Relationship networks
? Customer relationship marketing and management
? Loyal customer marketing
? One-to-one marketing
? Customer management
? Customer-oriented marketing plans and implementation.
Course contents (additional)
Students gain deeper insight in customer management by understanding modern marketing trends. They develop their interaction skills. With the help of marketing models the students will be able to integrate theory with empirical cases and they will be better prepared for their dissertation.
Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)
Core content level learning outcomes (skills)
Students will be able to plan the implementation of marketing strategy in a customer and partner oriented way as a member of a group. They command the use of marketing-mix referring different target groups.
Recommended reading
Up-todate material, will be announced later.
Reference literature:
Feurst, Ola 2001. One to one ?markkinointi, WSOY, Porvoo.
Peppers, Don & Rogers, Martha 2001. One to One B2B, Capstone.
Arantola, Heli 2003. Uskollinen asiakas: Kuluttaja-asiakkuuksien johtaminen, WSOY, Porvoo.
Gummesson, Evert 2004. Suhdemarkkinointi 4 P:stä 30 R:ään, Talentum.
Teaching and learning strategies
Lectures and assignment 35 hours
Group work / independent working 20 hours
Independent working 25 hours.
Teaching methods and student workload
Lectures and assignments
Learning tasks / Assignments
Assessment weighting and grading
Group work 50 %
Examination 50 %
Related competences of the degree programme
Advanced business competencies
Application of business skills
Extensive business competencies
Methodological competencies in business