in English

Markkinointioikeus (LES004), 3 op

Basic information

Course name:Markkinointioikeus
Marketing Law
Course Winha code:LES004
Kurre acronym:
Type and level of course:Professional studies
Year of study, semester or study period:2.year
Implementation:4.period, Not defined
Language of tuition:Suomi
Final assessment:Grading scale (0-5)



Course contents (core content level)

- The judicial questions of protecting and using a company name in marketing
- Unfair Business Practices and Unfair Marketing
- Expressions used in marketing
- The EU and Finnish Competition Legislation
- Consumer Protection Law and Consumer Authorities
- Requirements in the product safety and product information
- Intellectual Property Rights in Product Development and in Marketing
- Product labelling and indication of the prices in marketing consumer products
- Sales provisions as a marketing tool
- Legislation of Marketing Communications
- Copyrights in Marketing and Advertising
- Protection of Privacy

Course contents (additional)

- Marketing of consumer credit

Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)

The students will be familiar with the juridical regulation and the main principles concerning marketing of a company and a product

Core content level learning outcomes (skills)

The students will be able to acquire judicial information from different sources and compile documents and reports. Their critical and logical thinking skills will be practised in demanding judicial problem solving and deduction.

They will also learn to apply the most essential legislation into practice. Their problem solving and communication skills will be developed.
Their oral communication skills will practised and their critical thinking will increase in demanding problem solving and argumentation

Recommended reading

Ojajärvi - Vainio : Ammattikorkeakoulun juridiikka II (Otava) s. 1-90, (markkinoinnin pelisäännöt)

Material supplied by the lecturer

Teaching and learning strategies


Teaching methods and student workload

Individual research, reading

Assessment weighting and grading

Related competences of the degree programme

Advances business competencies
Personal development
