in English

Sähkökäytöt ja servot (A0234), 5 op

Basic information

Course name:Sähkökäytöt ja servot
Course Winha code:A0234
Kurre acronym:Sähkökäytöt
Type and level of course:Professional studies
Year of study, semester or study period:3.year
Implementation:1.period, 2.period
Language of tuition:Suomi
Teacher:Kai Virta
Final assessment:Grading scale (0-5)



Electric circuits and networks, Signals and transients. Electric power engineering and power electronics - course recommended

Course contents (core content level)

Basic form and function of electrical drives as well as introduction to different dimensioning, designing and choosing methods. Optimization in both technical and economical aspects.

Course contents (additional)

Stationary and relative displacement measurements, sensors and different control techniques. Control by using field buses and PLC?s. Drive protection. AC- and DC- servo drive basics.

Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)

Student is able to perform basic dimensioning of electrical drive components in both technical and economical aspects.

Core content level learning outcomes (skills)

Student is able to both start up and operate frequency converters and is also able to check and change different parameters. Student can connect different sensors to the drive as well as can control it by using field buses or PLC?s.

Recommended reading

Mård: Sähkökäyttö ja tehoelektroniikka
ABB: AC Drives Technical Guide Book
Danfoss: Tietämisen arvoista asiaa taajuudenmuuttajista

Teaching and learning strategies

Classroom teaching: 35 h
Laboratory exercises: 28 h
Project: 10 h
Exam: 2h
Student individual workload (student workload analysis carried out 5/05): 69 h
Total: 144 h
Follow-up of the student workload analysis performed: -

Teaching methods and student workload

Assessment weighting and grading

A project exercise, laboratory exercises / reports and exam(s) as well as compulsory calculation exercises are all to be performed acceptably in order for the course to be passed.

Related competences of the degree programme

Process automation
Production automation
Automation and process electrification
