in English

Insinöörifysiikka (FYSLB0001), 6 op

Basic information

Course name:Insinöörifysiikka
Engineering Physics
Course Winha code:FYSLB0001
Kurre acronym:Ins.fys.
Type and level of course:Basic studies
Year of study, semester or study period:1.year
Implementation:2.period, 3.period, 4.period
Language of tuition:Suomi
Teacher:Mikko Luomajärvi
Final assessment:Grading scale (0-5)



Course contents (core content level)

- vectors and scalars, kinematics in one and two dimensions
- Newton?s laws of motion, applications of Newton laws, work and energy, conservation of energy, power, linear momentum and collisions, uniform circular motion, rotations of rigid bodies, static equilibrium, gravity
- fluid statics (pressure, hydrostatic pressure, Pascal? principle, buoyancy and Arkhimedes? principle) and fluid dynamics (the continuity equation, Bernoulli?s equation, applications of Bernoulli?s principle, viscosity, laminar flow, turbulent flow)
Thermal physics
- temperature, thermal expansion, specific heats, phases and phase changes, latent heats, conduction, convection and radiation
- electric charge, Coulomb?s law, electric field, insulators and conductors, charging by friction, charging by induction, electric potential and voltage, parallel plate capacitors, capacitors in series and parallel
- electric current, resistance, resistivity, Ohm?s law, energy and power in electric circuits, resistors in series and parallel, Kirchhoff?s rules, am meters and voltmeters

Course contents (additional)

- non-uniform circular motion, Newton?s law of universal gravitation
- liquid column manometer, hydrometer, Venturi tube, Pitot tube, flow in tubes: Poiseuille?s equation, capillary viscometer, immersion viscometer, rotation viscometer, classification of liquids
- elasticity (normal stress, shear stress, Young?s modulus, shear modulus, bulk modulus)
- bimetallic element, heat transfer in multilayer structure, energy balance
- Gauss?s law, cathode-ray tube, microwave heating, ink-jet printer, RC-circuits, piezoelectricity, capasitive sensors (for displacement, acceleration, level, humidity), resistive sensors, superconductivity, thermistor, thermocouple, Wheatstone bridge and strain gauge, electrodialysis, electrostatic precipitator, electrophoresis.

Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)

During completion of this course the student acquires basic knowledge of physical concepts, laws, principles and theories in the fields of kinematics, dynamics, properties of solids and fluids, thermal physics and electricity. Student becomes aware that physical theories are based on and verified by observations and measurements.

Core content level learning outcomes (skills)

During completion of this course the student will learn how to formulate and solve equations related to basic physical problems that appear in the fields of physics covered by this course. The knowledge gained helps the student in independent information acquisition in further studies and professional activities.

Recommended reading

Hautala, M. ja Peltonen, H. Insinöörin (AMK) fysiikka, osa I. Lahden Teho-opetus, 7. painos, 2005.

Course material available in the portal.

Teaching and learning strategies

Lectures: 56 h
Tutorials: 28 h
Individual learning assignment: 10 h
Exams: 3?3 h = 9 h
Student?s workload: student workload analysis not carried out
Total: -

Teaching methods and student workload

Assessment weighting and grading

Assessment is based on student activity during classes, six individual tests, one individual learning assignment and three exams.

In order to pass the course (grade 1) all the individual tests, individual learning assignment and exams have to be completed successfully.

Related competences of the degree programme

Theoretical basis and mathematical and science skills
