in English

Biotekniset yksikköprosessit (B0087), 4 op

Basic information

Course name:Biotekniset yksikköprosessit
Unit operations in biotechnology
Course Winha code:B0087
Kurre acronym:Yks.pros.
Type and level of course:Professional studies
Year of study, semester or study period:3.year
Implementation:Autumn semester, 1.period, 2.period
Language of tuition:Suomi
Teacher:Heikki Ojamo
Final assessment:Grading scale (0-5)



Fluid mechanics and dynamics, Microbiology, Biochemistry

Course contents (core content level)

Mass and energy balances of processes, set up of a process from unit operations and their quantitative and qualitative effects on the whole process, special properties of bio and food processes related to unit operations, mass transfer in general and the theory and practices of diffusion and convection, process examples, the use of genetic engineering and its consequences, the theory and practices of the following unit operations: solid/liquid separation, membrane operations, cell disintegration, aqueous 2-phase extraction, evaporation, preparative chromatography, membrane chromatography, adsorption/desorption, drying, crystallization, size reduction, agitation, stepwise operations; treatment of cell lysates, laboratory experiments with specific unit operations and reporting of those.

Course contents (additional)

Process examples with more details, detailed implementation of unit operations and equipment function in these, the use of genetic engineering with more details.

Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)

After completion of the course the student understands the importance of the development of the whole process. The student knows the theories of unit operations used in bio and food processes and knows how different equipments function and what they are good for. The student knows which properties of biological materials are important for the unit operations.

Core content level learning outcomes (skills)

After completion of the course the student is able to choose reasonable unit operations into a process, do the calculus within these and find experimentally solutions into eg. sepration and purification problems. The student is able to reasonably design conceptually processes by choosing unit and auxiliary operations including equipments. The student is able to perform specific unit operations in laboratory scale.

Recommended reading

Handouts of lectures
Additional reading: Aittomäki et al.; Bioprosessitekniikka
Geankoplis: Transport processes and unit operations

Teaching and learning strategies

Class room teaching: 42 h
Laboratory exercises: 15 h
Exam: 6 h
Student individual workload (student workload analysis carried out 1/06): 59 h
Total: 122 h
Follow-up of the student workload analysis performed: -

Teaching methods and student workload

Assessment weighting and grading

The report of the laboratory excercises must be accepted as well as the final examination.

Related competences of the degree programme

Safety and quality skills
Expertise in living and other biological materials
Technological and economical skills in bio and food processes and in production systems
Ethical and Ecological Skills
