in English

Ammattifysiikka (FYSLK0002), 6 op

Basic information

Course name:Ammattifysiikka
Applied Physics
Course Winha code:FYSLK0002
Kurre acronym:Amm.fys.
Type and level of course:Basic studies
Year of study, semester or study period:2.year
Implementation:1.period, 2.period, 3.period
Language of tuition:Suomi
Teacher:Max Poppius
Final assessment:Grading scale (0-5)



Course contents (core content level)

Thermodynamics: fundamental quantities, the laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamic processes, cyclic processes, the heat engine, the refrigerator, the heat pump

Oscillation: harmonic oscillation, damped oscillation, time constant, critical damping, forced oscillation

Wave motion: basic quantities, harmonic wave, superposition and interference, standing waves, beats, Doppler effect, power, reflection and refraction

Sound: the basics of sound, dependendence on distance from source, intensity level and the decibel scale, addition of intensity levels, damping, room acoustics, isolating properties of structures, ultrasound

Magnetism: magnetic field, electric and magnetic deflection, current carrying conductor in magnetic field, loop in magnetic field, magnetic dipole moment, microscopic explanation of magnetism, solenoid, magnetic field of earth, Hall effect, magnetic properties of matter

Induction: flux, Faraday?s and Lentz?s laws, self inductance, mutual inductance, varying loop in magnetic field, generator

Fotometrics: basic quantities and units

Course contents (additional)

optical fibres, eddy currents, electric motors, RL circuit, transformer, impedance matching

Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)

During completion of this course the student acquires basic knowledge of physical concepts, laws, principles and theories in the fields thermodynamics, oscillation, wave motion, sound, magnetism and fotometrics. Student becomes aware that physical theories are based on and verified by observations and measurements.

Core content level learning outcomes (skills)

The student learns how to formulate and solve problems that relate to the topics listed above. The knowledge gained helps the student in independent information acquisition in further studies and professional life.

Recommended reading

Peltonen, H., Perkkiö J. ja Vierinen K. Insinöörin (AMK) fysiikka, osa II. Lahden Teho-opetus, 6. painos, 2005

Teaching and learning strategies

Lectures: 56 h
Tutorials: 28 h
Individual learning assignment: 10 h
Exams: 3?3 h = 9 h
Student?s workload: student workload analysis not carried out
Total: -

Teaching methods and student workload

Assessment weighting and grading

Assessment is based on student activity in class, individual tests, one individual learning assignment, and three exams.

In order to pass the course (grade 1) all the individual tests, individual learning assignment,and exams have to be completed successfully.

Related competences of the degree programme

Theoretical basis and mathematical and science skills
Information acquisition skills and adaptation of new knowledge
