in English

Fysikaalisen kemian laboratoriotyöt (KEMLY0011), 3 op

Basic information

Course name:Fysikaalisen kemian laboratoriotyöt
Physical chemistry laboratory course
Course Winha code:KEMLY0011
Kurre acronym:Fys.kem.lab.
Type and level of course:Professional studies
Year of study, semester or study period:2.year
Implementation:Spring semester, 3.period, 4.period
Language of tuition:Suomi
Teacher:Pekka Lehtonen
Final assessment:Grading scale (0-5)



Inorganic chemistry laboratory course

Course contents (core content level)

Heat emission and absorption in the physical chemistry phenomenon (calorimetry), phase diagrams between liquid and vapor (distillation of binary liquid mixture), adsorption on the surface of the solid material (adsorption isotherms), reaction rate and the determination of the reaction rate, conductivity of the solutions and the determination of the conductivity, acidity constant and the determination of the acidity constant, electrochemistry (cell and accumulator applications, electrochemisty and relationship between electrochemistry and thermodynamics, preparation of buffer solutions and how buffer solutions work, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).

Course contents (additional)

Comparison between the adsorption isotherms, influence of the concentration and the temperature to the electrode potential of the cell, evaluation of the buffer capacity of the buffer solutions.

Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)

After completion of this course the student is able to understand the following subjects: exothermic and endothermic reaction processes, liquid ? vapor phase diagrams, adsorption isotherms, reaction rate and reaction rate constant dependence on the temperature, principle of the conductivity measurement, concept of the acidity constant, concept of the electromotive force (e.g. accumulator), concept of the buffer solution and how buffer solutions work.

Core content level learning outcomes (skills)

After completion of this course the student is able to use spread sheet software to analyze and present practical measurement data. She or he is able to do the least square analyze and she or he is able to solve quantities which are connected to the measured phenomenon. In addition she or he is able to use literature and tabulated data to solve chemistry problems. She or he is able to evaluate errors which are connected to the practical laboratory measurements and she or he can prepare standard solutions and can use the following apparatus and instruments: calorimeter, distillation apparatus, refractometer, spectrophotometer, conductivity meter and pH meter.

Recommended reading

Laboratory manual

Teaching and learning strategies

Laboratory excercises 36
Exam 2 h
Student individual workload 42 h
Total 80 h

Follow-up report and written workload analysis performed: -

Teaching methods and student workload

Assessment weighting and grading

Related competences of the degree programme

Understanding and ability to apply chemisty
