in English

Tuotantotalouden matemaattiset menetelmät (MATLL0116), 3 op

Basic information

Course name:Tuotantotalouden matemaattiset menetelmät
Mathematical Methods for Production Economy
Course Winha code:MATLL0116
Kurre acronym:Tuta mat.
Type and level of course:Basic studies
Year of study, semester or study period:2.year
Implementation:Autumn semester, 1.period, 2.period
Language of tuition:Suomi
Teacher:Raisa Vartia
Final assessment:Grading scale (0-5)




Course contents (core content level)

Optimization problems: making and solving a linear model by hand and using Excel. Graphs: basic concepts and applications. Resource allocation problems.

Course contents (additional)

Elements of renewal theory

Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)

The student understands the idea of optimization and is familiar with a few methods for optimization problems.

Core content level learning outcomes (skills)

After having done the course the student can construct a mathematical model for optimization problems and solve it with some of the methods learnt in the course and apply Excel in the task.

Recommended reading

Glyn James: Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics, Addison-Wesley
Karjalainen Leena: Optimi, matematiikkaa talouselämän ammattilaisille, Pii-kirjat

Teaching and learning strategies

Teaching methods and student workload

Learning tasks / Assignments
Laboratory assignments

Assessment weighting and grading

One examination, where at least 40 % of the maximum points has to be gained and 80 % of the computer labs attended, project report accepted.

Related competences of the degree programme
