in English

International Project Management (TUOL0051), 3 op

Basic information

Course name:International Project Management
International Project Management
Course Winha code:TUOL0051
Kurre acronym:IPMngment
Type and level of course:Professional studies
Year of study, semester or study period:3.year
Implementation:Spring semester, 3.period
Language of tuition:English
Teacher:Neil Smee
Final assessment:Grading scale (0-5)



Course contents (core content level)

- Projects and project-based management
- Project management life cycle and phases
- Methods, tools and standards for project planning and management
- Result management and the evaluation of projects

This course takes a look at the techniques used by best practice companies to improve there project management performance The student will become familiar with projects and the principles of project management. She/he will be able to plan a project using these techniques.

Course contents (additional)

The student will become familiar with projects and the principles of project management. She/he will be able to plan a project.

Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)

- Project Management Process
- Strategy and Project Management
- Project Definition
- Project Process
- Time planning
- Critical Chain management
- Project Org
- Cost Planning
- Pert Factors

Core content level learning outcomes (skills)

- Projects and project-based management
- Project management life cycle and phases
- Methods, tools and standards for project planning and management Projects and project-based management
- Project management life cycle and phases
- Methods, tools and standards for project planning and management
- Result management and the evaluation of projects
- To develop a project using the MS Project

Recommended reading

Havey Maylor: Project Management Prentice Hall
Cadle & Yeates: Project Management for information Systems Prentice Hall
Handouts (to be delivered on each lecture)

Other useful material:
Turner: The handbook of project based management
Lake: Mastering Project management
User?s guide for the MS Project
WEB links

Teaching and learning strategies

Total 80 h

Preparing for the project plan will begin in the first week. Groups will work independently during the study unit.

Lectures are divided into different themes derived from the overall content of the study unit. The content of each lecture will be adjusted to the needs of the students and the progress of the working groups.

There will be several smaller assignments during the study unit. Details of assignments will be given in the end of each lecture.

Teaching methods and student workload

Assignments and project

Assessment weighting and grading

Project plan (teamwork), examination (five essay questions will be given), student teams will present their projectsusing the MS Project

Participation in lectures 30 %
Project plan and self-evaluation of the planning process 30 %
Practical experience in project planning
The ability to use the MS Project
Examination (problem exercises) 40 %
Principles of the projects and project management
The English vocabulary of project management

Related competences of the degree programme

International and intercultural skills
Product development and project skills
Competence in principles of business operations
Communication and interpersonal skills
