in English

Tietotekniikan projekti (T0194), 5 op

Basic information

Course name:Tietotekniikan projekti
Information Technology Project
Course Winha code:T0194
Kurre acronym:TtPro
Type and level of course:Professional studies
Year of study, semester or study period:2.year
Implementation:3.period, 4.period
Language of tuition:Suomi
Teacher:Markku Karhu ja ohjaavat opettajat
Final assessment:Grading scale (0-5)



This course integrates various knowledge and skills of the basic studies (like mathematics, physics, information processing, verbal and oral communication) to common core professional subjects (like programming, electrical theory, electronics, computer engineering).

Course contents (core content level)

Projects are individual or team works on information technology and they require skills and knowledge of various respective subjects. The project may be animplementation of software application, a design and implementation of a hardware device, or a study, research or other development activity on the field of information technology. It may be done on the commission of an external company and under their supervision, as well.

Student is able to create a project plan including a breakdown of tasks, schedule, budget, project organization, and risk analysis. He/She knows the duties and required of characteristics of the project organization including project manager, stearing group, project group, and customer representatives.

Course contents (additional)

Student is able to recognize his/her strenghts and weaknesses in various roles of project organization.

Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)

Student learns the general principles of project working and is able to apply them in a real project working environment.

Core content level learning outcomes (skills)

Students learn the principles of collaborative working (in projects and in teams). They learn to know how to organize, manage and implement R&D type project. Student acts himself/herself in a role of project organization.

Recommended reading

Lecture material is based on the following books:
Kai Ruuska: Projekti hallintaan, SATKU ja Lauri Forsman: Atk-projektin läpivienti, SATKU

Teaching and learning strategies

Lectures 13 h
Team working on project 120 h
Total 133 h

Teaching methods and student workload


Assessment weighting and grading

Grade is based on the evaluation of the outcome of the project work and on the process in achieving the goal of the project.
The theory part of the course is passed by answering to two questionaire type tests: the first one concerns team roles and the second one concerns on rewiev questions.

Related competences of the degree programme

Product development and project skills
Entrepreneurial, business and leadership skills
