in English

Materiaali- ja pintakäsittelytekniikan matemaattiset menetelmät (MATLP0117), 3 op

Basic information

Course name:Materiaali- ja pintakäsittelytekniikan matemaattiset menetelmät
Mathematical methods in Material and Surface treatment technolog
Course Winha code:MATLP0117
Kurre acronym:MatMen
Type and level of course:Basic studies
Year of study, semester or study period:3.year
Implementation:1.period, 2.period
Language of tuition:Suomi
Teacher:Jorma Vilska
Final assessment:Grading scale (0-5)



Basic Course in Mathemathics B

Course contents (core content level)

Derivation of functions with two and three variables. Modelling with functions with two or three variables. Gradient in experimental optimization. Optimization of polynoms with two and three variables. Applications (eg. chemical prosesses).

Course contents (additional)

Using gradient with experimental optimization. Optimization of polynoms with more than three variables.

Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)

The student is able to use gradient in experimental optimization and finds maxima (or minima) of a polynom with two and three variables.

Core content level learning outcomes (skills)

Recommended reading


Teaching and learning strategies

Class room teaching: 28 h
Computer exercises: 14 h
Project: 10 h
Exam: 3h
Student individual workload (student workload analysis not carried out): 24 h
Total: 80 h
Follow-up of the student workload analysis performed: -

Teaching methods and student workload

Assessment weighting and grading

Assessment of of computer exercises and project. Final exam.

Related competences of the degree programme

Theoretical basis and mathematical and science skills
