in English

Terminen ruiskutus ja hitsauspinnoitus (P0035), 3 op

Basic information

Course name:Terminen ruiskutus ja hitsauspinnoitus
Thermal spray and weld overlay processes
Course Winha code:P0035
Kurre acronym:Term.ruiskutus
Type and level of course:Professional studies
Year of study, semester or study period:4.year
Implementation:Autumn semester, 1.period
Language of tuition:Suomi
Teacher:Kai Laitinen
Final assessment:Grading scale (0-5)



Introduction to Surface Treatment P0069
Materials P0071

Course contents (core content level)

Principles and applications of thermal spraying. The common properties of thermal spray coatings and factors affecting them. The main properties, advantages and restrictions of thermal spray processes. Coating types. The operations in thermal spray process and safety at thermal spraying.

The principles of weld hardfacing processes and their advantages and restrictions.

Course contents (additional)

History of thermal spraying, spray welding.

Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)

After completing the course students will comprehend the principles of thermal spray and weld hardfacing and they will know the main features of common thermal spray and weld overlay processes. They will recognize the application potentiality and restrictions of these coatings.

Core content level learning outcomes (skills)

Students will be able to evaluate the potentiality of thermal spray and weld hardfacing processes for different coating needs and to select a coating process that meets the requirements of substrate, coating material, coating properties and productivity.

Recommended reading

Lecture slides

Teaching and learning strategies

Laboratory assignments

Teaching methods and student workload

Learning tasks / Assignments
Laboratory assignments

Assessment weighting and grading

Assesment of assignments (20 %) and laboratory assignments (20 %) and the final exam (60 %).

Related competences of the degree programme

Know-how in materials and surface treatment technology
Information acquisition skills and adaptation of new knowledge
Communication and interpersonal skills
Knowledge of environmental and labour protection
