in English

Leadership (TUOLD0013), 3 op

Basic information

Course name:Leadership
Course Winha code:TUOLD0013
Kurre acronym:Ldership
Type and level of course:Basic studies
Year of study, semester or study period:4.year
Implementation:Spring semester, 3.period
Language of tuition:English
Teacher:Neil Smee
Final assessment:Grading scale (0-5)



Course contents (core content level)

A dynamic introductory industrial management class covering leadership theories and styles: utilization of leadership skills in various organizational settings: and techniques for developing productive work groups: managing a diverse work force: motivating employees: handling difficult people and situations: running effective meetings: and handling the challenging role and responsibilities of being a leader, manager, and supervisor.

Upon completion of the course the student will be able to
- Describe and discuss leadership characteristics and styles.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of specific leadership styles in a given situation.
- Describe how leadership impacts motivation and the workplace
- Compare and contrast how leadership differs within various organizational settings: a) Profit and nonprofit organizations, b) Public and private sector, c) Product versus service based organization.
- Explain the use of effective communications in supervising a diverse workforce along with describing barriers to effective communications and strategies to avoid and/or overcome them.
- Discuss the nature of conflict and practice appropriate techniques for managing and resolving conflict in the work place.
- Describe and discuss the value of diversity within the workforce.
- Demonstrate the skills to plan, set-up and run an effective meeting.
- Leadership Theories
- Situational Theory of Leadership

Course contents (additional)

Describe and discuss the value of diversity within the workforce.
- Demonstrate the skills to plan, set-up and run an effective meeting.
- Leadership Theories
- Leading others
- Leading change
- Leading Teams

Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)

- Understand leadership as a process and reflect on how values and experiences affect how they choose to serve and lead.
- Be able to integrate leadership competencies with practical experiences.
- Be able to think ethically and critically.
- Be able to make individual decisions, and participate effectively in group decision-making.
- Develop a personal philosophy of leadership, social responsibility and civic duty through demonstrated involvement

Core content level learning outcomes (skills)

Recommended reading

The package you will receive should contain each of the items listed below.

Course Guide: The Course Guide contains commentary, learning objectives, reading assignments, a bibliography, assignment instructions, online participation activities, and other information that students will need to complete the course successfully. Students should take time now to review the information in this document to become familiar with the design of the course.
Reading File: The Reading File contains selected articles from various sources that are required reading for this course. The Course Guide will direct you to them at the appropriate time.
Level three Leadership, James G Clawson, Prentice Hall

Teaching and learning strategies

Student individual workload
Total 80 h

Teaching methods and student workload

Assessment weighting and grading

To receive credit for this course, you must complete all of the following activities and assignments. Instructions to complete these assignments are located in the "Assignment File," towards the end of the Course Guide.

The following list summarizes the evaluation activities and the credit weight associated with each evaluation activity. To receive credit for this course, you must participate in the online activities, successfully complete three written assignments, and achieve a composite course grade of at least 60 per cent.

Attendance 20%
Assignment 1: Essay 20 %
Assignment 2: Essay 20 %
Major Research Assignment: Case Study 40 %
Total 100 %

Related competences of the degree programme

International and intercultural skills
Communication and interpersonal skills
Entrepreneurial, business and leadership skills
