in English

Yrityksen toiminta (KG1001), 3 op

Basic information

Course name:Yrityksen toiminta
Business Operations
Course Winha code:KG1001
Kurre acronym:
Type and level of course:Basic studies
Year of study, semester or study period:1.year
Implementation:Autumn semester, 1.period
Language of tuition:Suomi
Teacher:Jukka Kaisla ja Helena Kuusisto-Ek
Final assessment:Grading scale A16-F2



Course contents (core content level)

- Characteristics of Finnish and European entrepreneurship
- Importance of entrepreneurship as part of building wellfare in the society
- Business plan for a company starting out
- Risk management and finance plan for a starting company

Course contents (additional)

- A wide analysis of the starting points of the company and the prerequisities for success
- Networking and the interaction between the interest groups
- Familiarization with the research information and special features on entrepreneurship
- Identification of the production structure and industries

Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)

The students will be able to
- understand the role of entrepreneurship in the society
- identify different business plan frames
- apply research information for developing business plans

The student will be trained in
- outlining the the different parts of business operations and the entity
- working as a member of a group
- renewing practices

Core content level learning outcomes (skills)

The students will be able to
- specify a business plan for a company to be established
- analyse the prerequisites of the future company and develop the business plan according to the analyses
- operate as an entrepreneur
- analyse the profitability and risks of own business

Recommended reading

Isokangas, Kinkki 2003. Yriyksen perustoiminnot. Basic Business Operations. WSOY. Material supplied by the lecturer.

Teaching and learning strategies

Lectures, group work, studying the course book individually

Teaching methods and student workload

Individual research, reading
Learning tasks / Assignments

Assessment weighting and grading

Assignment 100%
or alternatively exam 50 % and report 50%. Total 100 %

Related competences of the degree programme

Development competencies
Generic Competences
