in English

Liiketoimintaosaamisen työpaja 1/1,2/1 ja 3/1 (JAT31U1), 2 op

Basic information

Course name:Liiketoimintaosaamisen työpaja 1/1,2/1 ja 3/1
Business Expertise Workshop 1/1, 2/1, 3/1
Course Winha code:JAT31U1
Kurre acronym:
Type and level of course:Master, compulsory studies
Year of study, semester or study period:1.year
Implementation:Not defined
Language of tuition:Suomi
Teacher:Erja Pihkala-Bäckström, Anu Helkkula, Jukka Kaisla, Silja Vainio
Final assessment:Pass - Fail



Bachelor's degree

Course contents (core content level)

Workshop 1:
- action learning as framework for the Workshop
- oral presentations of the individual development projects
- written presentations delivered to the online learning space for peer and group-tutor commenting

Workshop 2:
- argumentative discussion in the online learning spece, moderated by the group-tutor
- debating individual development project plans
- first analyse and rewriting of the plan
- second written presentations delivered to the online learning space for peer and group-tutor commenting

Workshop 3:
- second debate
- comprehensive analysis of all development project plans of the group, proposals for their further improvement
- second analyse and rewriting of the own plan
- second written presentation delivered to the online learning space for peer and group-tutor commenting, analysing these comments for the writing of the final version

Course contents (additional)

- analysing development project plans on a theoretical level
- learning to give constructive critic

Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)

After the module the student will be able to
- understand the importance of a well-made development project plan based on action learning and action reaserch, completed by well focused reading
- relate the content of individual learning plans to the success of their development project plan and its execution
- comprehend the importance of shared learning, information and knowledge beside valuing group dynamics and net-working
- understand fully the importance of reflective learning, well-assembled portfolio and responsible use of the group evaluation system.

Core content level learning outcomes (skills)

After the module the student will be able to
- build a development project plan and present it in a focused and effective manner
- focus the content of individual learning plans according to the development project's requirements
- profit from ideas, points of view and opinions presented by the peer group and use the available evaluation system responsibly
- start a development project in an orderly and informaton-based manner

Recommended reading

Engeström, Yrjö: Developmental Work Research ?Expanding Activity Theory in Practice, Lehman media 2005

Teaching and learning strategies

Teaching methods:
- lectures and discussions in the workshops
- individual planning, oral and written reporting
- active analysis of the plans presented by the group members, active contribution to their improvement
-individual coaching in the transformation of the project plan to a Master's Thesis.

Teaching methods and student workload

Contact teaching
Individual research, reading
Assignments or project

Assessment weighting and grading

Participation in the workshop 50%
Improvement of the development plan 50%
Both parts have to be approved.

Related competences of the degree programme

Application of business skills
Development competencies
Generic Competences
