in English

Kirjallinen viestintä, suomen kieli (MUY1010), 1.5 op

Basic information

Course name:Kirjallinen viestintä, suomen kieli
Written language skills (Finnish)
Course Winha code:MUY1010
Kurre acronym:
Type and level of course:Basic studies
Year of study, semester or study period:1.year, Not defined
Implementation:Not defined
Language of tuition:Suomi
Teacher:Susanna Niinistö-Sivuranta
Final assessment:Grading scale (0-5)



Course contents (core content level)

The course is designed to introduce the student into the discipline of analysing different text types and styles. The focus will be on reading, producing and reviewing different texts. We will review the principles of rewriting and summarising a text; with emphasis on academic writing. The focus will be on the language of argumentation and quotation techniques. Students are required to produce minor written and oral assignments as well as an essay related to their own field of expertise.

Course contents (additional)

Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)

The student will expand his/her written communication skills for both academic and professional purposes.

Core content level learning outcomes (skills)

Recommended reading

Repo, Irma & Nuutinen, Tahvo 2003: Viestintätaito
Opas aikuisopiskelijan ja työelämän vuorovaikutustilanteisiin. Otava, Helsinki.
Kortetjärvi-Nurmi,Sirkka; Kuronen, Marja-Liisa & Ollikainen, Marja 2003: Yrityksen viestintä. Edita, Helsinki.

Teaching and learning strategies

Lectures, assignments and an essay.

Teaching methods and student workload

Assessment weighting and grading

Assessment is based on all aspects of the unit; lectures, assignments handed in by the published deadline and an essay.

Related competences of the degree programme

Communication and social competence
Personal development
