in English

Valokuvan historia (KOPK026), 1.5 op

Basic information

Course name:Valokuvan historia
History of photography
Course Winha code:KOPK026
Kurre acronym:
Type and level of course:Professional studies
Year of study, semester or study period:3.year
Implementation:Autumn semester
Language of tuition:English
Teacher:Istvan Kecskemeti
Final assessment:Grading scale (0-5)



Accepted passing of the first and second year paper conservation courses.

Course contents (core content level)

The photo historical periods, styles and important photographers. The autenticity of photographs, combination of contexts.

Course contents (additional)

Combining the knowledge received during KOPK027 Identification of photograph techniques course in order to be able to identify, date and recognise different photographs, techniques and collections.

Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)

Upon completion the student will know the basics and styles of photograph history.

Core content level learning outcomes (skills)

Upon completion the student can evaluate the authenticity of individual photographs or collections and understand their real context.

Recommended reading

Barger, M. Susan The Daguerreotype : Nineteenth century technology and modern science / M. Susan Barger, William B. White

Coote, Jack H. Colour Photography : The illustrated history England : Fountain Press, 1993

Crawford, William: The Keepers of Light : a History and Working Guide to Early Photographic Processes, New York : Morgan & Morgan, 1979

Hirn Sven; Kameran edestä ja takaa, valokuvaus ja valokuvaajat Suomessa 1839-1870, Suomen valokuvataiteen museon säätiö 1972

Hirn, Sven; Ateljeesta luontoon, valokuvaus ja valokuvaajat Suomessa 1871-1900, Suomen valokuvataiteen museon säätiö 1977

Newhall, the history of photography, The Museum of Modern Art, NY 1982

Rosenblum, Naomi, A World History of Photography. 3. p.

Suomen valokuvaajat 1842-1920, Suomen valokuvataiteen museon säätiö 1996

Valoa 1839 1999 : Otteita suomalaisen valokuvan historiaan / Jukka Kukkonen, Tuomo.Juhani Vuorenmaa (toim.) Helsinki : Suomen valokuvataiteen museo, 1999

Varjosta : Tutkielmia suomalaisen valokuvan historiasta / Jukka Kukkonen, Helsinki : Suomen valokuvataiteen museo, 1999

Teaching and learning strategies

Lectures, writing of an essay.

Teaching methods and student workload

Assessment weighting and grading

Assessment is based on regular attendance and active participation, writing of an essay.

Related competences of the degree programme

