in English

Pitsikonservointi (VAPVAL064), 1.5 op

Basic information

Course name:Pitsikonservointi
Lace Conservation
Course Winha code:VAPVAL064
Kurre acronym:
Type and level of course:Optional Studies
Year of study, semester or study period:2.year
Implementation:Autumn semester
Language of tuition:Suomi
Teacher:Anna Häkäri
Final assessment:Grading scale (0-5)



Ensimmäisen vuoden ammattiopinnot.

Course contents (core content level)

Different lace-making techniques will be discussed. Students expand their skills in textile conservation.

Course contents (additional)

Opintojaksolla perehtytään eri aikakausien pitseihin, niiden valmistustekniikoihin ja historiaan sekä käydään läpi pitsien konservointimenetelmiä.

During the course laces from different periods are acquainted together with the manufacturing techniques and history as well as conservation methods of lace.

Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)

Student is able to identify and date different laces.

Student is able to identify the risks associated to conservation of lace.

Core content level learning outcomes (skills)

Student is able to conserve independently different lace structures. Student is able to put the learned knowledge into practise.

Recommended reading

Course literature will be handed out before the beginning of the course. Literature searches.

Teaching and learning strategies

Lectures. Assignments will be individually tutored.

Teaching methods and student workload

Assessment weighting and grading

Active participation in lecture and coursework activities. Course assignments must be undertaken. Self-assessment.

Related competences of the degree programme

