in English

Opinnäytetyö (OPNAT200), 15 op

Basic information

Course name:Opinnäytetyö
Course Winha code:OPNAT200
Kurre acronym:
Type and level of course:Dissertation
Year of study, semester or study period:4.year
Implementation:Spring semester, Autumn semester
Language of tuition:Suomi
Teacher:Leena Lyyra
Final assessment:Grading scale (0-5)



Courses from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year, methodology, Finnish language

Course contents (core content level)

Bachelor's thesis is desing, research or product development project, which extensively untilizes the skills and knowledge gained during studies. Thesis will be done in collaboration with professional corporation or it will be otherwise beneficial to the textile field. Written part of the thesis and test of maturity. The products and collections which are included in the thesis are part of Opinnäytetyöprojekti course. Independent course which begins with planning the thesis project.
1. Theme analysis: Presentation about the theme of the thesis and the main problems which are to be solved.
2. Starting seminar (I seminaari) and written project plan for the thesis. Power Point presentation.
3. II-seminar where almost finished work is presented. Power Point presentation with a argumentation from an opponent.
4. III-seminar. Finished work is presented: Written part, digiportfolio and the products are presented in the thesis exhibition. Thesis will be returned for assessment.
5. Maturity test checked by the thesis main teacher and finnish language teacher.
The student hands over two copies of the thesis report to the school.

Course contents (additional)

Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)

Gaining independent development and research work skills. The thesis guides the student to find and use reference materials and to combine various skills and knowledge gained through studying.

Core content level learning outcomes (skills)

Literature which is relevant to the thesis as well as handouts from the lectures and for assignments.
Hakala. Opinnäyte luovasti, kehittämis ja tutkimustyön opas. Gaudeamus.
Seuraavasta kirjallisuudesta on apua opinnäytetyön tekemisessä:
Vilkka H.-Airaksinen T. 2003. Toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö -opiskelijalle
Niilo Home. 1993. Ideasta tutkimussuunnitelmaksi
Hirsjärvi S. 2004. Tutki ja kirjoita.
Anttila, P.1996. Tutkimisen taito ja tiedon hankinta. Taito , ja taide ja muotoilualojen tutkimuksen työvälineet. Helsinki, Akatiimi Oy.
Löytty O. & Kinnunen, M. 2002.Tieteellinen kirjoittaminen
Kangasharju H. ja Majapuro M.1999. Tutkimusraportin kirjoittaminen. HKK/kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisu.

Recommended reading

Teaching and learning strategies

Lectures, assignments, guided group work, individual guidance

Teaching methods and student workload

Assessment weighting and grading

Attendance at the lectures both in a group and individually, written part of the thesis and seminars, The artistic outlook of the collection will be assessed during MUVU046 OPINNÄYTEPROJEKTI but will also have an effect on the grade of the thesis. The assessment is based on EVTEK thesis assessment guidelines.

Related competences of the degree programme
