in English

Projektin hallinta, opinnäyteprojekti ja tekijänoikeudet (MUAVT4042), 15 op

Basic information

Course name:Projektin hallinta, opinnäyteprojekti ja tekijänoikeudet
Project management, Project for Bachelors theses and Copyright
Course Winha code:MUAVT4042
Kurre acronym:
Type and level of course:Professional studies
Year of study, semester or study period:4.year
Implementation:Not defined
Language of tuition:Suomi
Final assessment:Grading scale (0-5)



Course contents (core content level)

Project management :

Will be performed during 4 study years.
-lifespan of the principles of the project management project
-project plan of the vocational project which is related to the studying given literature dissertation

The study module has been taught already in the autumn of 2007 to the VY06s group.

Designing of the final collection :
Manufacturing of the final collection:

-student shows his vocational readiness to his dissertation through the vocational project
-he student makes a portfolio from the project and demonstrates his work.
-and collection are demonstrated in the show, and in seminar

Course contents (additional)

Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)

Project management:

Student internalizes the principles of the project management and can adapt them to its own vocational operation. The student can draw up the project plan after having performed the study module.

Designing of the final collection :
Manufacturing of the final collection:

Vocational collection design project which is related to the dissertation. During the project the products of the collection are both designed and are made/it is had made.

The more exact contents of the period are determined based on the character of the project's and student's got by the student himself work.

Core content level learning outcomes (skills)

Recommended reading

Project management:

Ruuska, Kai 2007: Pidä projekti hallinnassa: suunnittelu, menetelmät, vuorovaikutus / Kai Ruuska. Julkaisija: Helsinki: Talentum.
Hasu, M., Keinonen, T., & 2004: Muotoilun muutos. Näkökulmia muotoilutyön organisoinnin ja johtamisen kehityshaasteisiin 2000-luvulla. Teknologiateollisuuden julkaisuja nro 2/2004.
Kettunen, S, 2003: Onnistu Projektissa. WSOY, Helsinki
Rissanen, T. 2002: Projektilla tulokseen. Projektin suunnittelu, toteutus, motivointi ja seuranta. Kustannus oy Pohjantähti. Gummerus Kirjapaino Oy, Jyväskylä.
Anttila, P. 2001: Se on projekti vai onko? Kulttuurialan tuotanto- ja palveluprojektien hallinta. Akatiimi Oy. Hamina: Vammalan Kirjapaino Oy.
Virkki, Sommermeri, 1998: Projektityö, kehittämisen moottori. Edita, Helsinki

Designing of the final collection :
Manufacturing of the final collection:

The literature is determined by the student's project but there can be an advantage in the project from the following literature:

Myers-McDevitt, Paula J. 2004: Complete Guide to Size Specification and Technical Design. Fairchild Publications, Inc. New York
Kettunen, S, 2003: Onnistu Projektissa. WSOY, Helsinki
Kettunen, Ilkka, 2000: Muodon palapeli, WSOY, Porvoo
Mc Kelvey, K. & Janine M., 2002: Fashion Design. Process, Innovation Practice. Blackwell Publishing.
Ingham, R., Covey, I., 1992: The Costume Designer´s Handbook. A Complete Guide for Amateur and Professional Costume Designers. Second Edition. Heinemann Educational Book, INC. Portmounth, NH.
Tain, L., 2003: Portfolio Presentation for Fashion Designers. Second edition. Fairchild Publications, Inc.
Anneli Niikko. 2000. Portfolio oppimisen avartajana.
Eberle, Hermeling, Hornberger, Kilgus, Menzer & Ring 2002: Ammattina vaate. WSOY, Helsinki.

Teaching and learning strategies

Project management:

student's self-studying

Designing of the final collection :
Manufacturing of the final collection:

Lectures, tasks, independent working.

Teaching methods and student workload

Assessment weighting and grading

Project management:

Lectures and tasks. Introduction of the project plan of the final work project

Designing of the final collection :
Manufacturing of the final collection:

-participation in the teaching
-common process portfolio which describes both the planning process and the manufacturing process: project plan with its schedules presentation pictures, storyboard, level pictures of the moodboard, the collection colours, materials, the description of the target group with its stages of the description of the planning process make the product cards which are in accordance with the character of the work, photographs of the products and other necessary materials a marketable products
-at least 3-5 finished outfits in show

Related competences of the degree programme
