Opinnäytetyö (OPNAT100), 15 op
Basic information
Course name: | Opinnäytetyö |
Course Winha code: | OPNAT100 |
Kurre acronym: | |
Credits: | 15 |
Type and level of course: | Professional studies |
Year of study, semester or study period: | 4.year |
Implementation: | Spring semester |
Semester: | |
Language of tuition: | Suomi |
Teacher: | Anja Hatva |
Final assessment: | Grading scale (0-5) |
Professional studies related to student's own field of expertise, Methodology, Theoretical introduction to crafts and design, Bachelor's Thesis Project.
Course contents (core content level)
The course will provide the students with information about the search and use of source materials as well as applying knowledge and skills acquired from different sectors of the degree programme. Bachelor's Thesis is either a development work, research work or a product development work where earlier studies of the degree programme are put in practise. It will be carried out in collaboration with industrial partners or it will be otherwise benefinicial to the student's field of profession. Bachelor's Thesis always contains a written part and a maturity test.
Course contents (additional)
Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)
The purpose of the Bachelor's thesis is to get practise in development and reseach work relating to the students' own field of expertise.
Core content level learning outcomes (skills)
Recommended reading
Anttila Pirkko. 1996. Tutkimisen taito ja tiedon hankinta. Taito-, taide- ja muotoilualojen tutkimuksen työvälineet. Helsinki. Akatiimi Oy.
Hakala Juha 2004. Opinnäyteopas Ammattikorkeakouluille. Helsinki. Gaudeamus.
Vilkka Hanna, Airaksinen Tiina. 2003. Toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö. Jyväskylä. Tammi.
Hirsjärvi Sirkka ym. 2000: Tutki ja kirjoita 6-8.painos. Tammi, Helsinki.
EVTEK Muotoiluinstituutin opinnäytetyöohjeisto. Available on the internet.
Other specified literature.
Teaching and learning strategies
Bachelor's Thesis is an independent project. As well as receiving individual tutoring, students must participate in seminars. The work proceeds as follows:
1.Students will write a written report on the topic and the problem areas linked with it. This report will be submitted to the principal lecturer and to the supervisor.
2. First seminar. A written research plan must be accepted by the supervisors.
3. Second seminar. Thesis is submitted to the examiners.
4. Opponent's argumentation.
5. Maturity test will be revised by the principal lecturer and language reviewer.
6. The student will be asked to submit two copies of the original reports and one in electronic form to the EVTEK Institute of Art and Design.
Teaching methods and student workload
Assessment weighting and grading
Bachelor's Thesis and the process will be assessed on a scale o 0-5. Please see the separate Bachelor's Thesis assessment document.
Related competences of the degree programme