in English

Tutkimukselliset opinnot (MUK174), 3 op

Basic information

Course name:Tutkimukselliset opinnot
Research skills
Course Winha code:MUK174
Kurre acronym:
Type and level of course:Basic studies
Year of study, semester or study period:2.year
Implementation:Spring semester, Autumn semester, Not defined
Language of tuition:Suomi
Teacher:Tuula Auer, Anne Karuaho
Final assessment:Grading scale (0-5)



Course contents (core content level)

The course is divided in two parts:
methods - Tuula Auer
writing the bachelor's thesis Tuula Törmä-Aunola

The course familiarizes students with the basics of research work, methods, acquiring information as well as research strategies their distinctions and usage.

Course contents (additional)

Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)

Methodology: Students are guided towards scientific thinking using methods and research strategies. Students learn various research methods and strategies and know how to apply the relevant ones in his/her bachelor's thesis.

Core content level learning outcomes (skills)

Upon completion the student is familiar with qualitative research and is able to choose the relevant research methods accordingly.

Recommended reading

Methodology: Written materials from the classes
Exam material: Anttila Pirkko: Ilmaisu, teos, tekeminen ja tutkiva toiminta. Akatiimi Oy 2005.

Teaching and learning strategies

Methodology: Lessons, exercises and exam

Teaching methods and student workload

Individual research, reading
Lectures and assignments

Assessment weighting and grading

Stundent must be present in 80% of the lessons in order to pass the course
Exam grades 1-5
Participation in group work
Analysis task passed - failed

Related competences of the degree programme

Communication and social competence
Personal development
