CAD Graafinen suunnittelu (MUST047), 3 op
Basic information
Course name: | CAD Graafinen suunnittelu |
Course Winha code: | MUST047 |
Kurre acronym: | |
Credits: | 3 |
Type and level of course: | Professional studies |
Year of study, semester or study period: | 3.year |
Implementation: | Not defined |
Semester: | 0607 |
Language of tuition: | Suomi |
Teacher: | Tuiti Paju, graafisen suunnittelun opettaja |
Final assessment: | Grading scale (0-5) |
Course contents (core content level)
Course contents (additional)
Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)
Core content level learning outcomes (skills)
Recommended reading
Teaching and learning strategies
Teaching methods and student workload
Assessment weighting and grading
Related competences of the degree programme
Tekninen ja käytännön osaaminen
Muotoiluosaaminen (M06)
Personal development