Kuvitustyö ja kirjagrafiikka I (MAGS2067), 6 op
Basic information
Course name: | Kuvitustyö ja kirjagrafiikka I Illustration and Book Design I |
Course Winha code: | MAGS2067 |
Kurre acronym: | |
Credits: | 6 |
Type and level of course: | Professional studies |
Year of study, semester or study period: | 1.year |
Implementation: | Not defined |
Semester: | |
Language of tuition: | Suomi |
Teacher: | Teemu Lipasti |
Final assessment: | Grading scale (0-5) |
Sommittelun ja värin perusopintojakso, piirustus ja maalaus, viestinnän perusteet,
Mac-työympäristö, vektorigrafiikka, typografia I ja taitto-ohjelmat.
Course contents (core content level)
The history of children book illustration (international and national great masters)
Tools and techniques of an illustrator
The basics of book and book design history
The essential terminology and rules of book and book design
The basic terminology, rules and readability of book typography
Course contents (additional)
The basic text analysis for an illustrator
Different genres of illustrating
The basic of graphic technologies for book design
Core content level learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding)
After the course the student know the essentials of illustration and book history and he is familiar with the basic terminology and rules of illustration and book design.
Core content level learning outcomes (skills)
After the course the student is able of serving the illustrational needs of various print publications. He is cabable of designing and creating a small scale illustrated book.
Recommended reading
Onni Oja: Piirtämisen taito, WSOY, Porvoo 1994.
Olof Eriksson: Graafisen tyylin perusteet, Otava, Keuruu 1972.
Jarno Lukkarila: Tekstuuri, typografia julkaisijan työvälineenä,Credonet,
Helsinki 2001.
Markus Itkonen: Typografian käsikirja, RPS-kustannus, Helsinki 2003
Teaching and learning strategies
Group based assingments
Learning tasks / assingments
Tutorial guidance
Assessment / feedback
Teaching methods and student workload
Learning tasks / Assignments
Group exercises
Oppimisen ohjaus
Evaluation/Feed back
Assessment weighting and grading
Assessment is based on assingments, exam and being present at the lectures
Related competences of the degree programme
Ability to communicate visually
Competence of production technology / engineering
Communication and social competence
Personal development
Knowledge of communications history and traditions