Internet programming (D0126), 5 op
Kurssin nimi: | Internet programming |
Winhakoodi: | D0126 |
Kurren lyhenne: | IntProg |
Opintopisteet: | 5 |
Opintojakson taso: | Ammattiopinnot |
Toteutusvuosi: | 3.vsk |
Jakso: | Syyslukukausi, 1.jakso, 2.jakso |
Lukuvuosi: | 0607 |
Opetuskieli: | English |
Opettaja: | Hannu Markkanen |
Lopullinen arviointi: | Arvosteluasteikolla (0-5) |
D0127 Introduction to Programming
D0004 Publishing Tools
Students are expected to know xhtml ?description language, flash and basics of programming.
Sisältö (ydinaines ja -osaaminen)
- Server side scripting with PHP
- Advanced form processing
- Data base connection
- Presentation of data fetched from database
- User authentication
- Persistent data using sessions
- Security in PHP Web applications
Sisältö (täydentävä ja erityisosaaminen)
- PHP and eXtensible Markup Language (XML)
- ActionScript ? programming: data exchange between Flash and PHP script, ActionScript and XML
- Advanced techniques for interactive Web applications (Ajax)
Tiedolliset oppimistulokset (ydinaines ja -osaaminen)
After completing the course the student knows how to create a data base connected and server side scripted web applications. The course will also give a base for individual learning for further and more advanced Internet programming techniques.
Taidolliset oppimistulokset (ydinaines ja -osaaminen)
After the course the student is able to design, implement, test and comment data base connected integrity web programs using PHP scripting language.
Kirjallisuus ja muu materiaali
PHP5 and MySQL Bible
Tim Converse, Joyce Park, Clark Morgan
PHP 5 Unleashed
John Coggeshall
PHP Trainer Kit
PHP 5 & MySQLtehokas hallinta
Kuvaja Arto, Gilmore W. Jason
Class room teaching: 28 h
Laboratory excercises: 35 h
Project: 24
Exams: 3 h
Student individual workload: 60 h
Total: 150
Follow-up of the student workload analysis performed: -
Opiskelijan kuormittavuus
Arvioinnin perusteet
Assessment of the compulsory homework assignments and the project. Final exam.