in English

.NET Mobile (V0148), 4 op


Kurssin nimi:.NET Mobile
Kurren lyhenne:dotNETmobile
Opintojakson taso:Ammattiopinnot
Jakso:Kevätlukukausi, 3.jakso, 4.jakso
Opettaja:Petri Vesikivi
Lopullinen arviointi:Arvosteluasteikolla (0-5)



D0113 Object Oriented Programming
D0015 Data Base Technology
D0027 Software Engineering
V0138 C# programming and .NET Framework
V0139 ASP.NET programming

Sisältö (ydinaines ja -osaaminen)

? desig patterns for mobile devices
? optimizing, building and deploying mobile applications using the .NET Compact Framework Foundation
? mobile controls
? data access, files, database and Web services using SQL mobile databases
? integration of by using ADO.Net
? improving application performance
? building custom controls/graphic controls
? events, delegates and threading
? mobile class library and Phone API
? three-tier mobile application design;
? using Web services in mobile applications

Sisältö (täydentävä ja erityisosaaminen)

? using SMS
? accessing Pocket Outlook APIs
? online vs. offline data usage
? synchronizing data with desktop applications
? reusing code on Pocket PC and Smartphone applications
? security

Tiedolliset oppimistulokset (ydinaines ja -osaaminen)

After completing the course the student knows fundamentals of the .NET Mobile Platform and how to create smart phone application programmed with C# and .Net development tools.

Taidolliset oppimistulokset (ydinaines ja -osaaminen)

After the course the student is able to design, implement and test data base connected mobile applications and is able to utilize Visual Studio during whole application development process. Student is able to create sites and applications that are accessible from a variety of devices.

Kirjallisuus ja muu materiaali

Microsoft Official Course 2556
Developing Mobile Applications Using the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework

Microsoft® Mobile Development Handbook
Andy Wigley; Daniel Moth; Peter Foot
Published 05/30/2007 ISBN 9780735623583


? Class room teaching: 28 h
? Laboratory excercises:28 h
? Project: 20
? Exams: 2*2 h
? Student individual workload: 40 h
Total: 120
? Follow-up of the student workload analysis performed: -

Opiskelijan kuormittavuus

Arvioinnin perusteet

Assessment of the compulsory homework assignments, laboratory reports and the project. Final exam.

Koulutusohjelmakohtaiset kompetenssit
