Human Resource Management (EBM2002), 4 op
Kurssin nimi: | Human Resource Management |
Winhakoodi: | EBM2002 |
Kurren lyhenne: | EM0007 |
Opintopisteet: | 4 |
Opintojakson taso: | Perusopinnot |
Toteutusvuosi: | 2.vsk |
Jakso: | Syyslukukausi |
Lukuvuosi: | 0607 |
Opetuskieli: | English |
Opettaja: | Daryl Chapman |
Lopullinen arviointi: | Arvosteluasteikolla A16-F2 |
Management & organisational behaviour
Sisältö (ydinaines ja -osaaminen)
HRM in an historical context
Managing Human Resources Today
Hard v Soft HRM aspects (a focus on downsizing and outsourcing)
Recruitment and Selection
Training and Development
Performance Appraisal the key issues
Sisältö (täydentävä ja erityisosaaminen)
Tiedolliset oppimistulokset (ydinaines ja -osaaminen)
Understand the general foundations of HRM.
Appreciate the Hard v Soft debate in HRM.
Identify the main functional elements involved in HRM.
Appreciate the contemporary need to see HRM from a Strategic perspective.
Taidolliset oppimistulokset (ydinaines ja -osaaminen)
The student will gain a full appreciation of HRM issues from both the corporate and employee standpoint. In addition, the student will get to know the full range of HR functions carried out by HR professionals in the workplace.
Kirjallisuus ja muu materiaali
A Framework for Human Resource Management; Gary Dessler, (Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006)
Human Resource Management; I. Beardwell & L. Holden (Pitman Publishing, 2005)
Lectures, class participation ? discussion based on the students own work experience, individual study and group project work.
Opiskelijan kuormittavuus
Luennot - 50
Suullinen esitys - 10
Oppimistehtävät / harjoitustyöt - 20
Projektit - 20
Arvioinnin perusteet
Active class participation, written assignment consisting of essay and knowledge application questions. Group project work presentation and written report.
Koulutusohjelmakohtaiset kompetenssit
Application of business skills