Academic Writing and Study Skills (EBM1003), 2 op
Kurssin nimi: | Academic Writing and Study Skills |
Winhakoodi: | EBM1003 |
Kurren lyhenne: | |
Opintopisteet: | 2 |
Opintojakson taso: | Perusopinnot |
Toteutusvuosi: | 1.vsk |
Jakso: | Ei määritelty |
Lukuvuosi: | 0708 |
Opetuskieli: | English |
Opettaja: | |
Lopullinen arviointi: | Arvosteluasteikolla A16-F2 |
Compulsory for all European Management and EBA (British route) students.
Sisältö (ydinaines ja -osaaminen)
By the end of this course students will be able to
* revise, correct and improve their own academic writing.
* plan, draft, edit, and produce coherent, well-organised summaries, essays, case studies and other assignments.
* paraphrase, reference and quote original sources.
* exploit Internet resources to improve their academic writing.
Sisältö (täydentävä ja erityisosaaminen)
Tiedolliset oppimistulokset (ydinaines ja -osaaminen)
This course will prepare the students for the type of assignments they will have to produce throughout their studies on the double-degree programme. The course introduces the student to writing accurate, clear and well-presented academic assignments in English by strengthening and building on existing writing skills.
The course aims to improve the style, register, clarity, coherence, appearance and grammatical accuracy of the student's academic and general writing in English. Students will identify, clarify and eliminate individual problem areas in their writing such as; use of punctuation, prepositions, reported speech, word order, participle clauses, tenses, adverbs, conjunctions. The course methodology aims to make the students better editors of their own writing and so more self-sufficient as writers.
Taidolliset oppimistulokset (ydinaines ja -osaaminen)
Kirjallisuus ja muu materiaali
Practical English Usage Second Edition Michael Swan OUP 2000
Instruction in the use of the online material will be given at the beginning of the course.
The course will combine contact lessons with support material available in an online environment. The majority of the contact classes will be held in the autumn semester. Students will concentrate on clarifying and eliminating individual problem areas in their writing of English and will make use of peer feedback. Students are requested to participate actively in all contact classes.
Students will work independently on three major academic assignments which will be evaluated and used for assessment purposes. Two of these assignments will be written in co-operation with other courses throughout the academic year. Students submit drafts of these assignments throughout the course.
Opiskelijan kuormittavuus
Arvioinnin perusteet
To pass this course, students must complete each assignment, participate in contact classes and show use of the online material. Assessment criteria for writing will be given.
3 Assignments (25% each)
In-class and homework exercises, continuous class assessment, peer feedback and use of online material