Physics (FYSLC0001), 6 op
Kurssin nimi: | Physics |
Winhakoodi: | FYSLC0001 |
Kurren lyhenne: | Phys. |
Opintopisteet: | 6 |
Opintojakson taso: | Perusopinnot |
Toteutusvuosi: | 1.vsk |
Jakso: | 2.jakso, 3.jakso, 4.jakso |
Lukuvuosi: | 0708 |
Opetuskieli: | English |
Opettaja: | Max Poppius |
Lopullinen arviointi: | Arvosteluasteikolla (0-5) |
Sisältö (ydinaines ja -osaaminen)
1. Power of 10 notation. Conversion of units. Vectors and components of vectors. The dot product.
2. The definitions of velocity and acceleration and the graphical interpretation of these. One- and two-dimensional kinematics for constant acceleration.
3. Uniform circular motion. Centripetal acceleration.
4. Newton?s second law with applications. Force as a vector. Solutions for cases with several constant forces. The inclined plane. Friction.
5. Gravitational interaction.
6. The gravitational field. Satellite orbits.
7. Work done by a constant force. Kinetic and gravitational potential energy. Conservation of mechanical energy. Power.
8. Linear momentum, impulse
9. Electric charge. Coulomb?s law. The electric field of a point charge. The electric field of an infinite sheet. Potential energy in a homogeneous electric field. Potential difference.
10. Conductors and dielectrics.
11. Capacitance. The parallel plate capacitor. Capacitors in series and in parallel.
12. Current. Resistance. Ohm?s law. Resistors in series and in parallel.
13. Source of emf. Simple DC circuits. Power. Ammeters and voltmeters
Sisältö (täydentävä ja erityisosaaminen)
Core contents (additional)
1. Non-uniform circular motion
2. Non-constant forces, Newton?s third law, static friction, motion in resistive media, dynamics of circular motion
3. Work for non-constant forces
4. Temperature and heat
5. Fluids
6. Area vector, flux, Gauss?s law
7. Electric field of a charge distribution
8. Electric-field energy
9. Internal resistance of a source
10. RC-circuit
Tiedolliset oppimistulokset (ydinaines ja -osaaminen)
Core contents (additional)
1. Non-uniform circular motion
2. Non-constant forces, Newton?s third law, static friction, motion in resistive media, dynamics of circular motion
3. Work for non-constant forces
4. Temperature and heat
5. Fluids
6. Area vector, flux, Gauss?s law
7. Electric field of a charge distribution
8. Electric-field energy
9. Internal resistance of a source
10. RC-circuit
Taidolliset oppimistulokset (ydinaines ja -osaaminen)
During completion of this course the student acquires basic knowledge of physical concepts, laws, principles and theories in the fields of kinematics, dynamics, fluids, thermal physics and electricity. Student becomes aware that physical theories are based on and verified by observations and measurements.
Kirjallisuus ja muu materiaali
Harris Benson.1995.: University Physics Revised Edition. John Wiley & Sons
Lectures: 56 h
Tutorials: 28 h
Individual learning assignment: 10 h
Exams: 3?3 h = 9 h
Student?s workload: student workload analysis not carried out
Total: -
Opiskelijan kuormittavuus
Arvioinnin perusteet
Koulutusohjelmakohtaiset kompetenssit
Teoreettinen perusta ja matemaattis-luonnontieteelliset valmiudet (T)