Applied Mathematics (CAY0001), 5 op
Kurssin nimi: | Applied Mathematics |
Winhakoodi: | CAY0001 |
Kurren lyhenne: | ApMath |
Opintopisteet: | 5 |
Opintojakson taso: | Perusopinnot |
Toteutusvuosi: | 1.vsk |
Jakso: | Syyslukukausi, 1.jakso, 2.jakso |
Lukuvuosi: | 0607 |
Opetuskieli: | English |
Opettaja: | Jaakko Pitkänen |
Lopullinen arviointi: | Arvosteluasteikolla (0-5) |
Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing (chapters 1-14), by Mary Attenborough
Sisältö (ydinaines ja -osaaminen)
Discrete mathematics: set theory, switching and logic circuits, propositional logic and method of proof; engineering applications: expert systems and control. Boolean algebra. Graph theory.
Probability and statistics: Describing individual variables. Probability and conditional probability. Random variables and distributions: e.g. normal, exponential, binomial, Poisson, Student t-, Chi-square, Fisher F- distributions. Identifying relationships in the data: Chi-square test for independence, correlation analysis, regression analysis.
Computer mathematics with MATLAB.
Sisältö (täydentävä ja erityisosaaminen)
Discrete mathematics: Language theory. Probability and statistics: Identifying relationships in the data: analysis of variance (ANOVA). Empirical research methods in WEB and software engineering: experiment (hypothesis testing), case study, survey (data collection), post-mortem analysis.
Tiedolliset oppimistulokset (ydinaines ja -osaaminen)
After completing the course the student will know several methods in discrete mathematics and in probability theory and statistics, to model and analyse real systems. Will understand restrictions to models. Will be able to criticise results of the models and experiments made.
Taidolliset oppimistulokset (ydinaines ja -osaaminen)
After completing the course the student will be able to model simple real problems and use a computer to solve them and visualise the results.
Kirjallisuus ja muu materiaali
Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing by Mary Attenborough
Class room teaching, laboratory exercises, examinations and a group work.
Opiskelijan kuormittavuus
Luennot - 24
Itsenäinen työskentely ja kirjallisuuteen tutustuminen - 45
Tentti - 5
Laboratoriotyöt - 36
Projektit - 20
Arvioinnin perusteet
Two examinations with approval (at least 40 % of the maximum), laboratory exercises and a group work.
Koulutusohjelmakohtaiset kompetenssit
Teoreettinen perusta ja matemaattis-luonnontieteelliset valmiudet (T)