in English


Youth Education

The customer promise in the Finnish degree programme is to ensure the successful learning and professional growth of the student.

The basis for the Business Expert 2000+ curriculum is working life orientation and its structure encourages systematic planning of the studies as well as students’ career awareness and successful learning. The curriculum projects the students’ professional growth and development from a skilled performer of the basic duties in a company into analytic business expert and developer of the company. The skills and know-how of a Bachelor of Business Administration are described in the curriculum in a way that the student's level of learning can easily be perceived in the different stages of the studies and after graduation. The curriculum also serves the goal of successful learning.

Goals of the Degree Programme

The aim of the studies is to educate business experts for international working life. A Bachelor of Business Administration is capable of critical thinking and can operate in changing environment.

The aim of the of the first study year studies is to learn to master the basics of business and the basic duties in a company. The student has a positive attitude towards and preparedness to work in an international business environment.

The aim of the second study year studies is to instruct the students to critically analyse the business operation, its growth and internationalisation. The content of the third study year aims to business development. The student specialises in international business, marketing and logistics or in economy and finance. Language studies are essential for a Bachelor of Business Administration who constantly has to use foreign languages, both orally and in writing.


The normative duration of the studies in Bachelor of Business Administration degree is 3,5 years (210 credit points). The studies leading to a polytechnic degree include basic and professional studies, optional studies, practical training and Bachelor’s Thesis.

The basic studies (60 credit points) are completed during the first study year. Basic studies include learning the basic tools such as business applications of mathematics, information technology and communication. Students also familiarise themselves with company processes, its operation as business unit and as working organisation.

The aim of the professional studies is to familiarise the students with the analysis and development of business operation and competitiveness. The professional studies are divided into common compulsory studies (60 credits) and into advanced studies according to the specialisation field (30 credits).

Optional studies (15 credits) can be selected from one’s own field to deepen the know-how of the specialisation field or to strengthen entrepreneurial skills. They can also be selected from the fields of technology or culture.

Practical training (30 credits) and Bachelor’s Thesis (15 credits) deepen the student’s professional skills and connect the studied theory with practise.

Studies also include independent work, such as assignments and project work. This requires that the students are active, motivated to work independently and interested in their field of study. 30 credit points of learning through work experience can also be included in the studies as project studies.

Specialisation Fields

The aim of the advanced studies of the specialisation field is to support the student’s professional growth into an expert of the chosen field with capabilities to develop the company and working organisation.

International Business

The students will obtain sufficient theoretical background for acquiring, evaluating and applying the knowledge concerning international business. The student has obtained the knowledge needed for working in expertise duties in international business or as an entrepreneur of the field. He has the basic knowledge of also the international aspects in marketing, business law, organisation theory and financing and thus the abilities to learn supervisory duties in an international company and in duties in internalisation. He has an open attitude towards different cultures and sufficient language and communication skills to work in multicultural environments which require demanding communication skills.

Marketing and Logistics

The students will obtain both theoretical and practical know-how to acquire, evaluate and apply information on marketing or logistics needed in working in large companies as well as in small and medium sized companies. He has sufficient educational level required for expert duties in marketing and logistics and for independent business. The basic knowledge of organisation theory, company law, management accounting and financing give the preparedness to develop for supervisory duties in marketing and logistics. Having acquired sufficient language and communication skills the student is able to cope with multicultural environment.

Economy and Finance

The aim of this specialisation field is to educate professionals for supervisory and expert duties in international economy and finance and for independent business. In this specialisation field the students can choose either management accounting or finance as their field.

The students of this specialisation field have wide know-how of the theoretical principles of management accounting and financing and of the legislation of the field. They are able to apply the acquired knowledge in the practical operation of a company. The students have also good general knowledge of economy, up-to date skills in information technology, familiarity with management accounting systems and sufficient language skills.

Module Alternatives

During the third study year the student deepens his professional skills with module studies. There are three different module alternatives in each specialisation field. Students of International Business choose International Business and Trade module or International Finance module. Marketing and Logistics students choose either Retail Trade and Services Marketing or International Trade and Logistics module. Economics and Finance students choose Management Accounting or Finance module. All students can also choose Entrepreneurship and Knowledge Management module. The aim of this module is to improve the student’s abilities to work in management duties in small and medium–sized enterprises and as entrepreneurs.

Practical Training and Bachelor’s Thesis

The degree contains 30 credit points of practical training, which can be completed as 20 week long specialisation field specific profession-related training or in two parts: 10 weeks of basic training and ten weeks of profession-related training. Practical training can be completed during summers or as one semester long training period after second study year. Various practical duties and planning and development duties in the field of business and administration are regarded suitable for training.

Bachelor’s Thesis (15 credit points) will be written in the last study year. The Thesis is an extensive design, research or survey project that the student will carry out independently. Bachelor’s Thesis is in most cases written on a topic given by a company. In this project the student connects the studied theories with practise when studying problems and phenomena of the field and in developing the operation of the company.

For more information

Helena Kuusisto-Ek
Director of Degree Programme

Mari Rupponen
Assistant of Degree Programme 

Minna Heikkilä
Student Affairs Secretary

