Tuition in Finnish
Most electronic engineers work in duties related to product development or production of this field. In product development engineers design electronic circuits or systems for various applications. In electronic production engineers’ duties include for example design and control of electronic circuits and systems, development of fabricating techniques and quality control. Electronic engineers also work in technical purchase and sales, training related duties, and in various duties in research institutions.
In order to productise electronic circuits and systems, the electronic engineer must have the basic knowledge of product development and production processes. Additionally, the engineer must have wide knowledge of different sectors and technologies in electronics, because the key questions in design and production of electronic products are often application specific.
Goals of the Degree Programme
The aim of the studies is to prepare the students to work in duties related to design, production or purchase and sales of physical electronic systems, components and materials. In the Degree Programme, the emphasis is on the hardware, i.e. on the physical properties of the equipment, components or materials. Therefore, various design assignments, projects and laboratory work are included in the studies of this Degree Programme.
The normative duration of engineering studies at EVTEK is four years (240 credit points). The studies in the Degree Programme comprise basic studies (70 credit points), professional studies (110 credit points), optional studies (15 credit points), practical training (30 credit points) and Bachelor’s Thesis (15 credit points).
The basic studies contain mainly study units in mathematics and physics, which create the basis for the professional studies. The basic studies also contain studies in languages and economic subjects. These studies are compulsory for all students in this Degree Programme, except for two study units in mathematics. From these study units the student will take only one according to the specialisation field.
The professional studies students will complete by choosing one specialisation field. The total extent of the study units that the student will complete from this major is 90 credit points. Additionally, the student will choose a minor subject, which can be the other specialisation field of the Degree Programme, and completes 20 credit points from it. In the major subject, 70 credit points are compulsory studies of the specialisation field, and the remaining 20 credits the student can freely choose from the study units of this specialisation field. If the student completes his minor from the other specialisation field in electronics, he must complete 10 credits from the compulsory study units of this specialisation field and the remaining 10 credits he can freely choose from this specialisation field study units. The study units of this Degree Programme are shown in the table below. The table also shows whether they are compulsory or elective in the specialisation field. The student may choose his minor also from the other degree programmes. In this case the student must plan the content of the studies with the Head of the Degree Programme.
In optional studies students may include any study units that are at least of polytechnic level. Typically these study units are EVTEK study units chosen by the student according to his interests. Also possible remedial courses in mathematics, physics and languages are placed to this category.
The studies in the Degree Programme are implemented in four eight or nine week periods in a year. The seven first weeks of a period contain contact teaching; teaching in classroom and various assignments and laboratory work. During this time the students will also complete various assignments and projects. After the seven week contact teaching period there is always one or two week long exam period. The exams for the subjects of the preceding contact teaching period are arranged during this period.
In the studies the students learn the theoretical know-how needed in design; they complete also practical design and measuring assignments in laboratories, and additionally, several study units contain project work on different levels related to design of electronic systems. Design, implementation and testing of electronic circuits and systems are studied in the electronic laboratories. Efficient NT computers and modern design programmes are available for circuit design. Various electronic measuring assignments are carried out with modern equipment in the measuring laboratory. The assignments for semiconductor component production and processing and for electronic production are carried out in cooperation with other Finnish educational institutions.
Specialisation Fields
There are two specialisation alternatives in the Degree Programme in Electronics: Electronics Design and Electronic Production and Semiconductor Technology.
Electronics Design
In Electronics Design, the students study in depth the design of digital and analogue systems; and after graduation they will often be employed as designers in product development departments.
Compulsory studies of this specialisation field include theoretical electrical technology, digital and analogue circuit design, programming and radio and telecommunication technology. The elective studies in this specialisation field cover many different sectors in electronics design from RFID technology to design of integrated circuits.
Electronic Production and Semiconductor Technology
The special features of modern production technologies in electronics are studied in the specialisation field for Electronic Production and Semiconductor Technology. Particular emphasis will be placed on the studies of mass production of electronic products and processing of semiconductor components. The students in this study field will typically be employed as experts in semiconductor industry or in other organisations concentrating on electronic production.
The compulsory study units of this specialisation field contain, in addition to the basics of electrical technology and electronics, also semiconductor physics and theory and assignments in electronics production. Significant part of the studies is implemented as learning through work. In practise this means one 20 weeks long working period in a company specialised in semiconductor technology or electronics production (if agreed separately also other duties in the field of electronics are accepted). This learning through work period will be implemented during the spring of the third study year or during the autumn of the fourth study year. Well defined goals for this period will be set with the employer and a learning diary or portfolio will be written on the duties. Due to this learning through work period this specialisation field is called production oriented.
Practical Training and Bachelor’s Thesis
Practical training is an essential part of the studies at EVTEK. The degree requirements contain 20 weeks (30 credit points) practical training, which is carried out in summer. In practical training the goals for learning achievements are not so strictly set as in learning through work period. Also, training is not reported as detailed as learning through work. However, a shorter training report will be written.
Suitable training is for example commissioning and maintenance, production, operation, development and design duties in electronics, IT, communications and automation companies, software houses and in instrumentation departments in industry.
An extensive design, research or survey project, the Bachelor’s Thesis, will be completed at the end of the engineering education. Industrial companies often give the topics for these Bachelor’s Theses. Thus, together with the practical training, the Theses will familiarise the students with practical working life already during the study time.
Adult Education
Specialisation Fields
Electronics Design
Electronic Production and Semiconductor Technology
Goals of the Degree Programme
After graduation the students of this Degree Programme will be employed as experts in production and product development. A special feature of the Degree Programme is to serve the local electronics industry specialised in silicon technology by arranging studies in modern production technology. Elective study modules will be implemented from both of the specialisation alternatives according to the students’ choice and interest. In electronics design the emphasis is on the design and implementation of digital and analogue circuits. The specialisation field of Electronic Production and Semiconductor Technology concentrates respectively on the key questions of semiconductor technology and on automated electronics production.
Special Characteristics of the Field
Along with the fast development in IT and telecommunications engineering, the demands for electronic circuits and systems have increased rapidly. Electronic products must be ever faster, with better integration capacity, and have ever smaller power consumption.
Electronic circuits have, too, developed rapidly. Ever more complicated and faster systems can be integrated in one semiconductor component. Industry needs more such experts in electronics who are skilled in designing, utilising and producing circuits and systems based on new technological solutions.
New electronic innovations are constantly created for example in the fields of bioelectronics, intelligent sensors and nanotechnology. A successful career as expert in the field of electronics requires up-to-date know-how and capability to learn also challenging new applications. In addition to practical skills this requires also logical and mathematical abilities. EVTEK Degree Programme in Electronics has the capacity to educate experts of this field to answer to these challenges.
Career Prospects
In most cases electronics engineers work in supervisory, operation, design, research, product development or quality control duties in electronics production or product development. Engineers of this field may also have their career in research institutions, educational institutions and in sales and marketing organisations in various duties. Electronic engineer often works as a technical expert, team leader, and project manager in design organisations or as product manager or quality manager in production organisations. Besides the traditional work description various other work profiles are offered where also language skills, marketing abilities and leadership skills as well as extensive scientific skills are needed.
Central Study Modules
The first two years contain mainly basic studies and common core professional studies, which aim to create a strong mathematical and natural scientific and general technical base for the professional studies. Basic studies also include communication as well as IT and economics.
In addition to the general technical professional subjects, the central study units in professional studies include also theoretical electrical technology, analogue and digital electronics, process programming, semiconductor technology and electronics production. Assignments, project work in small groups and laboratory work are an essential part of the studies. The extent of compulsory professional studies is 70 credit points and advanced professional studies 60 credit points. Elective professional studies are implemented as 15 credit point modules. To a large extent, the students can select the content of these modules from a larger selection.
Bachelor’s Thesis is an extensive research, design or survey project that will be completed during the last study year in most cases on a topic given by a company or research institution. Thus it is the student’s most important demonstration of skills.
Students must also complete a certain amount of optional studies and practical training.
Study Arrangements
The studies are multiform studies including contact teaching, laboratory and project work, assignments and supervised independent study. The study methods are varied and suitable for adult students, such as project and team work and on-the-job learning. In practise the teaching is arranged on every other Friday and Saturday and sometimes also on weeknights. Studies include also various projects and independent or group assignments and project work. The projects are based on real problems and duties in working life.
More Information
The structure of the Studies
BASIC STUDIES 70 credit points
PROFESSIONAL STUDIES 110 credit points
Electronics professional study module
Design of Analogue Circuits
Design of Digital Circuits
Semiconductor module
Electronics Production module
Optional module
OPTIONAL STUDIES 15 credit points
PRACTICAL TRAINING 30 credit points
BACHELOR’S THESIS 15 credit points
Contact Information
Heikki Valmu
Head of the Electronics Degree Programme
tel. +358 20 7553 735
email: heikki.valmu@evtek.fi
Anu Holma
Assistant of the Electronics Degree Programme.
tel. +358 20 7553 795
email: anu.holma@evtek.fi