Degree Programme in Media Engineering
The essential doers and actors in media field are printing business, electronic and digital media companies, advertisement agencies, telecommunication operators and content and service providers. The products are newspapers, magazines, books, advertisement material, digital publications in network, mobile services, laser discs and television programs.
Typical tasks for an engineer in media are technical design, development, customer service in the wide field of information and communication industry. An engineer of the field can be a manager or a specialist in digital publishing, printing, multimedia production, Internet and mobile services or television and video production. Other appropriate tasks are marketing, sale, guidance and training. Also leadership tasks and commercial instruction are realistic possibilities.
Development of communication and information technology is rapid, which fact also causes social consequences. The degree programme has a keen eye to monitor main streams and tends, to react immediately to new requirements if needed.
In the degree programme therefore are no major lines through all four study years, but there is a comprehensive supply including all distribution channels from paper to mobile devices and digital integration of television platform. An extra ordinary emphasis is dedicated to multi-channel publishing systems.
2. Learning aims and results: Competences
Degree programme gives potential (1) to develop digital and graphical media concepts, (2) to manage production processes, (3) to work as a specialist and customer service provider as well as to work as an (4) independent entrepreneur of the field.
Media engineering core skills are:
- skills in technologies and processes of media, information and publishing systems
- business skills in digital and graphical media
- individual specialization and competence to integrate media skills in wide
- skills in visual communication and content production
In addition to professional learning aims general working life competences are emphasized. That is to develop qualifications to work as a leader or manager, to get general adaptation to working life, to have personal communication skills, life-long-learning and provision of state-of-the-art knowledge.
Such core competences are:
- potential in theory of mathematics and nature science
- potential in acquisition of knowledge, monitoring new information and use it in application
- communication skills and interactivity
- product development and project working skills
- entrepreneur, business and leadership
- internationalization
3. Structure and realization of studies
Extend of studies is 240 ects coming out from basic studies, professional studies, elective studies, practical training and as follows in the ascending table:
Basic Studies | 65 units |
Professional Studies | 85 units |
Advanced Professional Studies | 30 units |
Elective Studies | 15 units |
Bachelor´s Thesis | 15 units |
Industrial Placement | 30 units |
Total | 240 units |
Basic studies are mathematics science, language and communication, information technology and business courses. These studies are common and compulsory to each student.
All professional studies are divided into (A) compulsory studies, (B) optional studies and (C) elective studies, which initiate into (A) fundamental media technologies and (B) advanced special skills, which latter has been determined on base of Optional Modules (15 ECT each theme) chosen by students. Additionally there are included (C) 15 ECTS Elective Studies in curriculum. These may be selected from the supply of EVTEK or taken at some other academy. The criteria are that Elective Studies should support professional development of a student or her/his general maturity for working life career. Writing a Bachelor´s Thesis is to show independently and individually basic university level knowledge in written form. In most cases it is an application for the benefit of some company or organization. Occasionally Bachelor´s Thesis can be more fundamental type of a research project. An important role in studies has practical training which is normally accomplished during summer breaks.
Optional Modules will be chosen by the end of 2nd study year.
Media related software programming and digital media distribution channels have essential role in learning of in common shared professional studies and Optional Modules. Content production is dealt in customer oriented projects, which are included in many courses. Key matters are multimedia technology, digital documentary and publishing systems, distributed and ubiquitous digital media and internet technology. Essential application areas are mobile services, virtual technology, interactive television and -video, commercial media production and digital learning environments. These digital media studies will be well complemented with studies in computing, production economy or graphical technology.
A student can become specialized and aim her/his studies through Optional Modules, Practical Placement, Elective Studies and a topic of Thesis. Working life project inside courses and management of customer projects encourage to entrepreneurship.
A student is permitted to study and accomplish her/his curriculum partly abroad at a partnership academy.
Structure of specialization in studies:
Optional Modules are:
- Printing and Multi-channel publishing
- Multimedia Communications
- Audiovisual Technology
- Mobile Media
- Advanced Application Development
- Technology Business in Europe
A student selects two by the end of 2nd study year.
4. Themes of study process during study years 1-4
Studies proceed constructively according annual themes. The order of courses has been defined so that during each study year both the point of view and emphasis are included to the goals of the particular study year.
Study years themes and goals of learning are as follows:
1st study year: Engineering sciences and media field
Studies in mathematics, nature science and computer science are emphasized. This aims to build a theoretical and technological base for professional studies. Also courses in languages and courses to orientate to professional field are taught. After this 1st study year a student has adopted the basic competences in the theory of engineering, mathematics and physics to develop further her/his media specialization.
2nd study year: Work processes in digital media, used methods., professional tool-box
During the 2nd study year students orientate themselves to basic professional studies and media applications as well as to tools and fundamental theories, which are necessary to carry out media related applications. After the 2nd study year students know the basic technologies in publishing on various platforms and they can use necessary developing programmes and programming languages. Students also are more ready and competent to go jobs of professional field for practical training. .
3rd study year: Media content and production, advanced project work, business skills, specialization
The 3rd year is to go deeper in information technology in general and to specialize on the base of personally selected Optional Modules. A student of the 3rd year can already produce media application on to variable platforms and cooperate in projects. Also business courses are studied during the 3rd year. Students get acquainted with business economy and accounting. Specialization in software programming, multi-channel publishing, audio-visual technology or production economy will go deeper.
4nd study year: Convergence in digital and graphical media, production processes, quality management, leadership, synthesis of learnt
During the final study year students learn more how to direct working groups and teams. Advanced studies and to combine disciplines which has been taught are also a theme of 4th study year. It is to find the future of media technology and take an angle of view in which way the own special field in going to change. Ability to creative media industrial design, also in business-to-business activities, is one of the goals for the two final semesters. It should get a culmination in the process to author the Bachelor´s Thesis book. After this is a graduate mature and in complete preparedness to work as an engineer in media field having a certificate of Bachelor of Science.
Contact Information
Tuula Helle
Assistant of Media Engineering Programme
Tel. +358 20 7553 866
Erkki Aalto
Head of Media Engineering Programme
Tel. +358 20 7553 869