Tuition in Finnish
Materials and surface treatment technology is a diversified field where the specialisation field can be chosen from practical production to profound scientific research. Materials and surface treatment technology is applied to traditional building and product manufacturing as well as to most modern technical products. Materials and surface treatment technology is always needed in exploiting new technologies, in improving the quality of products, and in creating pleasant living environment. With appropriate choice of materials, surface treatment and corrosion protection, milliards of euros can be saved yearly. Without the rapid development of materials and surface treatment technology the modern high technology could not have achieved.
Materials and surface treatment engineers are employed in various positions in different fields of industry. In construction industry and in the building sector, the materials and surface treatment engineers are in charge of the choice of materials, of painting and surface treatment and they also work in design duties. In metal, plastic, woodworking and electronics industry they are in charge of the material choices and coatings, product development, quality control or customer service. In processing and chemical industry materials and surface treatment engineers have a wide range of duties including for example choosing the materials for machinery and equipment, development of the materials, maintenance, and corrosion prevention. Engineers of this field are also employed by companies that manufacture and sell materials, raw materials for coatings, surface handling equipment and lines. Their responsibility areas include expert, design, marketing and sales duties. Engineers also work in training and educational duties of the field. Along gaining diversified practical experience engineers may progress in their career to demanding expert duties, to accountable directors or they can become independent entrepreneurs.
Goals of the Degree Programme
The aim of the materials and surface treatment education is to familiarise the students with the properties of materials and coatings, their selection criteria, and to provide skills to produce coatings with different methods. Graduated engineers will know the technical as well as environmental demands and occupational health and safety requirements of his field. He can design, manage and supervise the production of this field. Additionally, he understands the economic dependencies in industry and is able to exploit the possibilities provided by information and automation technology. Materials and surface treatment engineer will know the legislation, standards and quality systems of his field. He is aware of the responsibilities concerning the ethics and its promotion in the field of materials and surface treatment. The education provides versatile communication skills and abilities for organised working methods and independent decision making. The graduates are able to work in the modern industrial life and society both independently and as efficient team members and they also know international communications and business. They can utilise the latest know-how of the field and are prepared for life-long learning.
Material and surface treatment technology is an extensive and multidisciplinary field. The basic studies contain mathematics, physics, chemistry, languages and economic subjects. Materials and surface treatment technology is based on chemistry and physics and therefore, these subjects have a major role in the studies. Also entrepreneurship related and economic studies are important since surface treatment companies are mostly small and medium-sized enterprises where the graduated engineer is often from the beginning responsible for personnel and financial matters. In the professional studies the students can specialise in industrial surface treatment, surface treatment of buildings and building industry, industrial painting or in materials and corrosion protection technology. The engineering education lasts four years. During the first two study years the focus is on basic subjects, and the proportion of professional studies increases as the studies advance.
Specialisation Fields
The specialisation fields in the Degree Programme are Industrial Surface Treatments, Surface Treatment of Buildings, Industrial Painting, and Materials and Corrosion Protection Technology.
Industrial Surface Treatment includes electroplating and hot galvanising, hot spraying and vapour-phase deposition used in industrial lines.
The Surface Treatment of Buildings includes surface treatment of interiors and façades, renovation and restoration, fire protection of structures, and surface treatment in building industry.
Industrail Painting comprises product painting of metal and wood products, corrosion protection painting, surface treatment of transport equipment and surface treatment in wood processing.
In Materials and Corrosion Protection Technology the students familiarise themselves with the qualities of different materials. This will give the ability to evaluate the capacities of different materials, to choose suitable materials and to understand and prevent the damages in the materials.
Practical Training and Bachelor’s Thesis
The degree requirements contain 20 weeks (30 credit points) practical training, which is in most cases completed during summer. Practical training is a study phase that combines theory and practise. During this phase the students learn to apply theory to working-life needs. Practical training must contain practical tasks preparing for engineer duties and as profession-related training for example supervisory, expert and design duties.
During the last study year the students will complete the Bachelor’s Thesis, which is an extensive design, research or survey project. In this project the students will demonstrate their skills to utilise, combine and apply the acquired knowledge and skills. Bachelor’ Theses are in most cases written on topic given by industrial companies, so also these Theses, together with the practical training, will familiarise the students with practical working life duties.
Materials and surface treatment technology is based on good knowleged of different disciplines. The main principle in the Degree Programme is to combine the know-how of materials and surface treatment with cost-effective way of thinking, awareness of the environmental and safety matters, versatile language skills and interpersonal skills. An engineer with these skills will have good career prospects in the companies and research and education institutions of this field. EVTEK Degree Programme in Materials and Surface Treatment Technology is the only degree programme in Finland that aims is to educate experts especially in surface treatment for the whole country’s needs.
Contact Information
Kai Laitinen
Head of the Materials and Surface Treatment Degree Programme
tel. +358 20 7553 788
Liisa Heikkilä
Assistant of the Materials and Surface Treatment Degree Programme
tel. +358 20 7553 791