in English


(Tuition in Finnish)

1. General

Information Technology deals with information andt its processing. Certain areas as information security, integration of information networks and serviceability of consumer applications are steadily growing in the future. Information technology professionals work in the various areas of IT business: computer, telecommunications and electronics industries, and programming and teleoperators, and other fields of technology. The typical jobs range from product development, systems, hardware and software designing, systems creating, testing and maintenance, techniqal purchasing and selling, and training. Also many enigineers specialize in consulting in business and other fields of society.

The degree program in Information Technology is organised in two programs leading to the Bachelor´s Degree: youth and adult education. Youth and adult education differ in application grounds, teaching timetables and contact teaching. In the youth education teaching takes place 8am to 5pm. In the adult education teaching takes place 4.30pm to 7.45 pm. Some courses are taught on Saturdays 9am to 2.15pm.

2. Aims

The aim of the studies is to provide the student with the basic knowledge and skills in structures and functions, hardware and software, and systems in the information technology.

The student can specialize in five different areas (professional competences):
1. Software Engineering
2. Telecommunications
3. Embedded Engineering
4. Information Technology Systems
5. Information Security

In addition to professional learning aims generic working life competences are empasized. Generic competences create good conditions for adapting to working life and acting in foremanship and leadership roles. Due the rapid development int the field, the engineers need good learning skills that include preparedness to follow the development in the field and to develop one´s own knowhow and skills from point of life-long learning. International working environment, project working and challenging work assignments require strong communication and information retrieval as well as evaluation and problem solving skills.

The generic competences are:
1. Theoretical basis and mathematical science skills
2. Information acquisition skills and adaptation of new knowledge
3. Communication and interpersonal skills
4. Product development and project skills
5. Entrepreneurial, business and leadership skills
6. International and intercultural skills


3. Annual Theme of Learning

The education and student´s professional development comprises annual themes and relates aims of learning.

1st year: Engineering and information technology

The student can theoretical, mathematical and natural scientific basis of information technology. The student knows basic knowledge of information technology for professional studies.

2nd year: Different areas of information technology

To develop and deepen theoretical subject matters for special needs of information technology. To develop basic professional subject matters in the areas of information technology.

3rd year: Deepening of professional skills in information technology

To deepen the knowhow of the professional Major option.

4th year: Develop into an independent professional

To develop skills relating to the Bachelor´s Thesis such as acquiring information, communication and project work. To develop into a professional initiate dy deepeng one´s own specialisation field.

4. The Structure and Practice

The extent of the course is 240 ECTS points, which corresponds to 4 years of full-time study.The Degree comprises Basic Studies (70 ECTS), Professional Studies (110 ECTS), Elective Studies (15 ECTS), Practical Training (30 ECTS) and Bachelor´s Thesis (15 ECTS). The first two years contain mainly basic studies in mathematics, physics, data processing, business management, languages, environmental technology anf common professional studies. The last two years concentrate on electicve professional studies (45 ECTS), which include students´s major studies (30 ECTS). Information Technology has four major options:
1. Software Engineering
2. Telecommunications
3. Embedded Engineering
4. Information Technology Systems

The student can choose rest of the elective professional studies (15 ECTS) from other degree programmes at EVTEK such as Media Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management or Elctronics Engineering. Elective studies (15 ECTS) can be substituted with Information Technology or other Degree Programmes studies or studies from other universities or polytechnics.

The studies contain contact teaching / lessons, laboratory work, independent and team work, assingnments and project work and self-study. Laboratory and project work deepens and clarifies the theoretical subject matters.Through the projects students learn to apply their theoretical knowhow as weel as develop team work, information retirieval and processing and evaluation and problem solving skills.

4.1 Specialisation Fields

Software Engineering
Design and development of computer and microprocessor software and operating systems. Mobile application development for Symbian environment.

Telecommunication Engineering
Data communications between computers, telecommunications systems and personal communications Part of the studies is implemented in Cisco Networking Academy environment.

Embedded Engineering
Design of computer peripheral devices and minicomputers for industry, basics in measurements systems, sensor technologies and measurement electronics.

Information Systems
New information technology methods and applications and product based solutions; for example web programming, multimedia, usability and data security.

4.2 Practical Training and Bachelor's Thesis

The degree requirements contain 20 weeks (30 ECTS) practical training in the youth education. It is mainly completed during summer. In the adult education the practical training is completed seperately according to the instructions.

The Bachelor’s Thesis (15 ECTS) is an extensive research,  design or surveys project. It is completed during the last study year. In most cases the project is done for a company within industrial or service sector.

Contact Information

Markku Karhu
Head of the Degree Programme
tel. +358 20 7553 858

Ulla Forsström
Assistant of Information Technology Degree Programme
tel. +358 20 7553 926

