in English

15.5.2006 EVTEK Board


1 §

EVTEK University of Applied Sciences provides occupationally oriented higher education for the first-cycle and second-cycle polytechnic degrees and continuing education, in the fields of Technology, Communications and Transport; Social Sciences, Business and Administration as well as in the field of Culture. It also produces research and development services in the above-mentioned fields.

The planning, implementation and assessment of studies comply with the Act (351/2003) and the Decree (352/2003) on Polytechnics and with subsequent legislation as well as with subsequent decisions and instructions on Polytechnics issued by the Ministry of Education in Finland.

The language of instruction is Finnish but teaching can also be given in other languages.

In these Degree Regulations the following abbreviations are used to distinguish between the differing regulations in the different fields of study.
School of Business Administration  (s)
Institute of Art and Design   (c)
Institute of Technology    (t).

2 §
Degrees and Titles

The degrees awarded at the University of Applies Sciences are first-cycle polytechnic degrees and second-cycle polytechnic degrees. Polytechnic degrees are the basic degrees of a polytechnic.

Degrees and Titles

First-cycle degree in culture,
Bachelor of Culture and Arts (Crafts and Design), artenomi (AMK)
Bachelor of Culture and Arts (Conservation), konservaattori (AMK)
Bachelor of Culture and Arts (Media), medianomi (AMK)
Bachelor of Culture and Arts (Crafts and Design), artenomi (AMK)

Second-cycle degree in Culture,
Master of Culture and Arts (Conservation), konservaattori (ylempi AMK)

The first-cycle degree in business and administration,
Bachelor of Business Administration, tradenomi

Second-cycle degree in Business Administration,
Master of Business Administration, tradenomi (ylempi AMK)

First-cycle degree in technology
Bachelor of Engineering, insinööri (AMK)

Second-cycle degree in Technology,
Master of Engineering, insinööri (ylempi AMK)



3 §
Objectives of the Studies

The aim of the studies leading to a polytechnic degree is to provide the student with

1. extensive practical basic knowledge and skills and theoretical basis necessary for performing expert duties in the fields concerned;
2. the capacity for following and promoting the development in the field concerned;
3. capacity for continuing education;
4. sufficient communication and language skills; and
5. ability to participate in international functions in the field concerned.

The aim of studies leading to a second-cycle polytechnic degree is to provide the students with
1. broad and advanced knowledge and skills required in developing the professional field in question as well as the theoretical skills needed in working in demanding expert and leadership positions of the field;
2. profound understanding of the field, its relation to work life and society at large as well as the knowledge and skills needed for following and analyzing both theoretical and professional developments in the field;
3. capacity for life-long learning and continuous development of one’s own expertise;
4. good language and communication skills required in work life; and
5. knowledge and skills needed to function and communicate in the field internationally.

More specific goals that are the basis of the planning and arranging of the studies are set in the curricula of the degree programmes.

4 §
Extent of the Studies

The extent of the studies is measured in credit points.

One credit point corresponds to an average 25-30 hours of student work estimated to attain the required objectives of the studies. Credit points for the courses are calculated according to the workload they require. 1600 hour workload that is needed on average to complete the studies of one academic year corresponds to 60 credit points.

The minimum extent of the studies:
* Bachelor’s degree in Culture: 240 credit points
* Master’s degree in Culture: 60 credit points 
* Bachelor’s degree in Business and Administration: 210 credit points
* Master’s degree in Business and Administration: 90 credit points
* Bachelor’s degree in Technology 240 credit points.
* Master’s degree in Technology 60 credit points.

In adult and graduate entry education the extent of studies may differ from the above-mentioned credit points on the basis of previous studies and work experience.

In the first-cycle polytechnic degree the extent of 240 credit points corresponds to 4 years of full time study and 210 credit points to 3,5 years of full time study. Full time studies are planned so that they can be completed in standard study time.

In the second-cycle polytechnic degree the extent of 90 credit points corresponds to 3 years of part time study (s) and the extent of 60 credit points to 2 years of part time study. 
5 §
Degree Programmes

The degree studies are organized into degree programmes.

The degree programmes are study entities planned and arranged by EVTEK University of Applied Sciences. The studies specialise in an occupational expertise field in working life and its development. Within a degree programme there may be different specialization options.

6§ The structure of the studies

The degree programme studies leading to a first-cycle polytechnic degree include basic and professional studies, optional studies, work placement and Bachelor’s Thesis including Maturity Test.

The degree programme studies leading to a second-cycle polytechnic degree include advanced professional studies, optional studies and Master’s Thesis.

7 §
Curricula and Courses

The studies and tuition are organized as courses. The courses are compulsory, elective or optional. Compulsory courses contain basic studies and professional studies.

The curriculum of a degree programme specifies the goals, the subject matter and the extent in credit points of each course, the amount of studies and work placement and the required study attainments. The implementation details of a course are presented in the implementation description that will be given to students in the beginning of studies.

A student can make choices concerning the content of the studies within the frames of the curriculum. The compulsory courses and the courses chosen by the student comprise the individual study plan (ISP).

The director of degree programme will approve the student’s individual study plan.

8 §
Basic, Professional and Optional Studies in the First-Cycle Polytechnic Degree

The structure of the basic and professional studies is defined in the curriculum of a degree programme.

The aim of the basic studies is to give the student an extensive overall perspective on the expert function in question; its position and significance in society, in working life and internationally and to familiarise the student with the general theoretical background and communications of the field in question as well as to give the student the language skills as referred to in the Degree Regulations, section 13.

The aim of the professional studies is to familiarise the student with the central problem areas and applications in the occupational function concerned and their scientific and/or artistic background in a way that enables the student after graduation to work independently as an expert and as an entrepreneur and to participate in developing the working organisation.

With the optional studies, the student can deepen or broaden his/her knowledge and skills according to the individual study plan. Optional studies can be completed partly or wholly also in another polytechnic, university or another educational institution of corresponding level.

9 §
Advanced Professional Studies and Optional Studies in the Second-Cycle Polytechnic Degree.

The structure of the advanced professional studies is defined in the curriculum of a degree programme. The studies can be compulsory or elective. The aim of the advanced professional studies is to give the student an opportunity to apply the theory into practise in more depth, to deepen analytical skills, to deepen the skills needed in leading a project and in participating in research and development work and to deepen social skills.

Optional studies deepen and broaden the professional expertise according to the individual study plan.

10 §
Work Placement

The extent of work placement in the first-cycle polytechnic degree is 30 credit points and its length is 20 weeks of full time work. In the production oriented degree programmes work placement accounts for 30 credit points and additional learning through work for further 30 credit points (t). In the European Business Administration Degree Programme the extent of work placement is 60 credit points, length 40 weeks of full time work (s).

The objective of the work placement is to familiarise the students with the central practical tasks related particularly to the professional studies as well as to teach the students to apply their knowledge and skills in working life.

Work placement is implemented according to the curriculum of a degree programme.
The degree programmes specify their own requirements for work placement. The reports and evaluation of work placement follow the degree programme specific guidelines for work placement specified in the curriculum.

Work placement is approved by the director of the degree programme. 

Work placement is not required in the second-cycle polytechnic degree.

11 §
Bachelor’s Thesis and Maturity Test in the First-Cycle Polytechnic Degree

The extent of the Bachelor’s Thesis is 15 credit points.

The aim of the Bachelor’s Thesis is to develop and demonstrate the student’s ability to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practical expert functions related to the professional studies.

The subject field of the Bachelor’s Thesis is related to a professional field of the degree programme. Director of the degree programme will confirm the subject field. Bachelor’s Thesis is evaluated by the instructor (supervising teacher) and the director of degree programme as well as language teachers and other possible teachers assigned by the director of degree programme.

For the first-cycle polytechnic degree the student must write a maturity test in the subject field of the Bachelor’ Thesis. The maturity test will demonstrate the student’s familiarity of the field of study and the proficiency in the Finnish or Swedish language. The students to whom the language requirement in the Degree Regulations section 13, subsection 1, does not apply will write their maturity test in the same language as the Bachelor’s Thesis unless the director of degree programme decides otherwise on application.

Maturity test is approved by the instructor (supervising teacher) of the Bachelor’s Thesis and by a language advisor (= teacher of the language in question).

12 §

Master’s Thesis and Maturity Test in the Second-Cycle Polytechnic Degree

The extent of the Master’s Thesis is 30 credit points.

The aim of the Master’s Thesis is to develop and demonstrate the student’s ability to apply research results and to use chosen methods to analyze and solve the problem areas in working life and to develop and demonstrate the student’s abilities to work independently in demanding expert functions.

For the second-cycle polytechnic degree the student must write a maturity test in the subject field of the Master’s Thesis. The maturity test will demonstrate the student’s familiarity of the field of study and the proficiency in the Finnish or Swedish language. The students to whom the language requirement in the Degree Regulations section 13, subsection 1, does not apply will write their maturity test in the same language as the Bachelor’s Thesis unless the director of degree programme decides otherwise on application.

Maturity test is approved by the instructor (supervising teacher) of the  Thesis and by a language advisor (= teacher of the language in question).

13 §
Language Proficiency Required in the First-Cycle and Second-Cycle Polytechnic Degrees

The student must, through the studies included in the polytechnic degree or otherwise, prove to have attained

1) such knowledge of Finnish and Swedish language as required in the Act on the Knowledge of Languages Required of Personnel in Public Bodies (424/2003) of state personnel who are required to have an academic degree, in bilingual authorities, and which is necessary for the practise of the profession and professional development, and
2) such oral and written skills in at least one or two foreign languages necessary for the practise of the profession and for professional development

The requirement in subsection 1 does not apply to students whose language of education has been other than Finnish or in Swedish or to students who have attained their education abroad. The language skills to be required of these students are subject to the decision of the vice president, on the language teacher’s proposal. Vice president also can, for specific reasons, exempt the student partly or wholly from the requirements concerning language skills in subsection 1.

Good language and communication skills required in working life are required in the second-cycle polytechnic degree.

The student’s language proficiency will be stated in the transcript of records attached to the degree certificate.


Student Admission and Confirmation of the Study Place

The students are admitted to the degree programmes of EVTEK University of Applied Sciences. A student may accept only one study place leading to a higher education degree during one academic year.

Those who have been accepted as students must confirm acceptance of the study place to EVTEK by the date set by the Ministry of Education. If the student fails to do so he/she will lose the right to the study place. If the student has been accepted also to another higher level institution or university, he/she must notify the institution or university in which he/she will accept the study place.
Students are admitted to polytechnic degree studies according to the joint application process regulations, excluding second-cycle degree studies, adult education and English degree studies. All issues concerning the application procedure are confirmed by the vice president of the field of study.

15 §
Transfer Applications, Change of Degree Programme and Choice of the Specialisation Option

A student can be accepted as a transfer student only when he/she has valid study right in another Finnish polytechnic in the same field of study. Vice president of the receiving field of study makes the decisions concerning transfer applications. Decisions on transfer applications are made according to separate instructions.

Transfer from a degree programme to another within the same field of study during the study time is possible within the limits of one-place-per-student principle on forceful reasons. The transfer must be applied in writing from the vice president of the field of study.

Director of the degree programme makes the decision on the choice of the specialisation field.

An applicant dissatisfied with the student admission decision made by the vice president of the field of study can apply rectification in writing from EVTEK Board within 14 days from the publication of the admission results.

16 §
Study Time and Study Right

The studies must be completed in the standard time set according to the extent of the degree, or at least one year later, unless the vice president of the field of study will grant the student exception from this for special grounds. In other cases the student will be considered as resigned after the study right has ended.

In adult education or in studies following individual study plan the study time may differ from the study time set according to the extent of the degree. It will be determined according to the amount of studies to be completed.

The academic year at the University of Applied Sciences begins on 1st of August and ends 31st of July. Tuition will be given during the periods set by EVTEK.

17 §

An applicant who has been admitted to study and who has accepted the study place must also register every academic year as specified by EVTEK University of Applied Sciences. After this registration, he/she will be registered as a student.

Students can register as present maximum one year longer than the extent of the degree or the extent of the studies.  In total a first-cycle polytechnic degree student can be registered as absent two academic years maximum. The time the student has registered as absent will not be deducted from the study time. Students cannot pursue studies or graduate during their absence time.
The right to register as absent does not apply to second-cycle polytechnic degree students because their studies are part time studies.

The registration will be made every academic year. The registration data can be changed at the change of semesters. The registration in the autumn semester is compulsory for all.

If a student fails to register every academic year before the deadline, he/she will lose his/her study right and will be registered as resigned.


18 §

In order to complete a course acceptably the student must attend tuition as instructed in the implementation description and show to have attained the goals set for the course in the study plan.


19 §
Credit Transfer, Substitution and Competence-based Test

A student can apply for credit transfer if he/she has completed similar studies in another Finnish or foreign higher level institution or in another educational institution. A student can also apply substitution of studies and work placement included in the degree programme with corresponding studies of the same level or with corresponding work placement or work experience.

The vice president of the field of study decides on the general policy concerning credit transfers and substitution of studies. Director of degree programme makes the decisions concerning credit transfer and substitution of studies according to separate instructions agreed by the vice presidents.

A student can show that he/she can master the knowledge and skills of a course with a competence-based test. The course teacher in charge decides on possibility and manner of implementation of the competence based test. The student must show the necessary study, work and other certificates.

A student who is dissatisfied with the decision concerning credit transfer can ask correction either orally or in writing from the person who made the decision. The request for correction must be made within 14 days from the receipt of the decision. A student who is dissatisfied with the above-mentioned decision on correction request can apply a written correction from the Student Appeal Board within 14 days from the receipt of the decision.

20 §

Teachers grade the study units, and these grades will be confirmed by the Degree Awarding Board upon completion of the degree.

The grades of the completed studies of a student are registered with the following grades and marks:

* excellent  5
* very good  4
* good   3
* very satisfactory  2
* satisfactory  1
* fail  0
* pass   H
* substituted K
* exempted  V

Additionally, the courses in the English degree programmes are assessed by the following points (s)

 99-95 A15
 94-90 A14
VERY GOOD 89-85 B13
 84-80 B12
 79-75 B11
GOOD 74-70 C10
 69-65 C9
 64-60 C8
 54-50 D6
 49-45 D5
FAIL 44- E4


Acceptable grades that are registered in the study record cannot be deleted afterwards.

Students are entitled to the information concerning the application of the assessment criteria of their study attainment. The student must be given the opportunity to examine his/her written or otherwise recorded graded study attainment. The assessment information must be retained for six months after the results have been published unless they are returned to the student.

A student who is dissatisfied with the assessment of a study attainment can ask correction, either orally or in writing, from the teacher in question. The correction request must be made within 14 days from the date the student had the opportunity to view the assessment results and criteria.

A student who is dissatisfied with the decision of the above-mentioned correction can seek rectification in writing from the Student Appeal Board within 14 days from the receipt of the decision.

Study Guidance

The vice president of the field of study is in charge of the study guidance. The directors of the degree programmes are in charge of the arrangements of the study guidance in the degree programmes. In addition to the teacher tutors also other members of the staff participate in the study guidance which is integrated with all functions.

22 §
Student Appeal Board

Every field of study has its own Student Appeal Board appointed by the EVTEK Board. The Student Appeal Board will handle the rectification requests concerning the study attainments. 



23 §
Disciplinary Actions

A student who has been guilty of cheating or has otherwise offended the regulations of EVTEK University of Applied Sciences can be punished with a warning or with suspension for a fixed period of time, maximum for one year. The President of the University of Applied Sciences makes the decision on the warning. EVTEK Board decides on suspension for a fixed period of time. Before making the decision the Disciplinary Board will hear the student on the matter. If needed the Disciplinary Board will present the matter to the President or to EVTEK Board.

At EVTEK, the current EVTEK regulations and the regulations concerning the use of information systems are followed.

24 §

The graduation requires acceptable completion of the studies in the curriculum of the degree programme or the completion of the studies of the confirmed individual study plan, completed work placement and Bachelor’s Thesis including maturity test. Students registered as absent cannot graduate.

The Degree Awarding Board of the respective field of study will decide on the degrees. The composition of the Degree Awarding Board is confirmed by EVTEK Board.

25 §
Degree Certificates

EVTEK will award a degree certificate and transcript of records for the completed degree. The degree certificate and transcript of records state the name of the degree and degree programme and the central content of the degree and grading of the study achievements.

EVTEK will provide the student who has completed a degree or studies a Diploma Supplement to the degree certificate or certificate. This Diploma Supplement is intended especially for international use and it states sufficient information on EVTEK as well as on the studies mentioned in the degree certificate or certificate, their level and status in the educational system.

If requested EVTEK will give the student a transcript of records of the completed studies also during study time.

26 §

The decisions that are made by EVTEK University of Applied Sciences on the basis of Act 351/2003 and Degree 352/2003 can be appealed in the Administrative Court of that judicial district in whose jurisdiction the central unit of the polytechnic operates, and as otherwise provided in the Administrative Judicial Procedure Act (586/1996).

Against a decision which can be requested rectification according to sections 22, 25, 27 cannot be appealed. The decision of the rectifying procedure can be appealed against in an Administrative Court referred to in subsection 1. The decision of the rectifying procedure concerning assessment of studies cannot, however, be appealed against.
A decision made by the University of Applied Sciences concerning the regulations, degree regulations or degree programmes, curriculum or other regulations concerning the organisation of studies cannot be appealed against.
A decision of an Administrative Court concerning admission of students referred to in section 22, losing one’s study right referred to in section 25 or disciplinary actions referred to in section 28 cannot be appealed against.
The decision concerning suspension of a student for a fixed period of time can be carried into effect in despite of appeal unless the University of Applied Sciences or Administrative Court orders otherwise.

27 §
Entry into Force

These Degree Regulations have been approved by the EVTEK Board on 15.5.2006.

The Degree Regulations shall enter into force on 1 August 2006


