in English

Student Financial Aid

A full-time student at EVTEK University of Applied Sciences can apply for student financial aid from the Social Insurance Institute of Finland (KELA) for the whole normative duration of studies, which is in 210 credit Degree Programmes 3,5 years and in 240 credit Degree Programmes 4 years.

Non-citizens of Finland can get financial aid for studies in Finland if they live in Finland on a permanent basis for a purpose other than studying. This requires that they are registered as a permanent resident in the Finnish population register system. The purpose of residence in Finland is determined by reference to such matters as the residence permit, registration or acceptance to an educational institution. Applications for financial aid must be accompanied by the appendix form OT10 for foreign residents. If you have come to Finland solely for the purpose of attending a school, you cannot get Finnish student financial aid.

Student financial aid is granted on the basis of full study months calculated from the starting day of the studies. The students who are beginning their studies in the autumn 2006 can get the student financial aid from the beginning of September to the end of June. Those who have started school earlier get the financial aid from the beginning of September to the end of May. It is possible to apply the financial aid also for the summertime if necessary.

Student Financial Aid Application

Applications for student financial aid will be delivered to the Student Affairs Office or posted to the KELA Centre for Student Financial Aid in Jyväskylä. If you are applying financial aid for the summer or for the extension of the studies please live your application to the Student Affairs Office or the Secretary of the Student Financial Aid Committee. The Student Financial Aid Committee of EVTEK handles the application in its meeting and makes a statement which is binding for the KELA Centre for Student Financial Aid. Aid can be granted from the beginning of the month in which you applied for it!

Follow-up of Studies and other income

Student financial aid can be granted only if the studies are full-time studies. According to the Decree on Student Financial Aid, the studies are considered full-time studies and the progress of studies adequate, if the student completes at least 4,8 credit points per month. The student’s advancement in the studies is followed yearly.

Student's income is not checked when the aid is paid out. Student must make sure not to exceed the annual exempt amount (the maximum income that can have and not suffer any reduction in aid). All grants and taxable income during the entire calender year are taken into account. For example if you take aid for 10 months the annual exempt amount is 8080 euros. By cancelling or returning aid you can raise your exempt amount. The income check is based on taxation data. If you exceed your exempt amount, you will be required to pay back the equivalent amount of study grant and housing supplement plus an increase. 

Student Financial Aid for Summer Studies

Students can apply for student financial aid also for summer studies and for practical training. The summer studies must be full-time studies which means at least 4,8 credits per month. "Account of the summer studies" (OVI portal) verified by the teacher must be attached to the application. A copy of the contract of employment need to be attached if you are doing the practical training.The applications for summer studies should be delivered in April or May. Note that student financial aid for summer months is deducted from the total amount of financial aid months and that it will affect the yearly income limit.

If your salary during practical training is less than 505€, you can receive student financial aid. If your salary is 505€/month or more, you can get only the housing supplement and loan guarentee. More information on the OVI-Portal or

Student Financial Aid during Studies Exceeding Normative Study Time

It's possible to get financial aid also for the studies exceeding the normative study time. A study plan for the extended year should be attached to application for student financial aid. More on the criteria for granting student financial aid can be found on the OVI portal

Student Financial Aid Committee of EVTEK does not favour student financial aid for exchange studies after normative study time (unless for special grounds), because exchange studies will not lengthen the normative study time.

More information

The Secretary of the Student Financial Aid Committee, notice boards at EVTEK, OVI portal, KELA brochures and KELA homepage.

Contact Information

The Secretary of the Student Financial Aid Committee is Maria Ojala . She can be found mainly in Myyrmäki (room 202). On tuesdays she has reception hours in Leppävaara (room 1.192.1) and once a month also in Tikkurila.

Maria Ojala
Secretary of the Student Financial Aid Committee of EVTEK 
tel. + 358 20 7553 718
fax +358 20 7553 949

KELA Centre for Student Financial Aid.
PB 228
tel. +358 20 434 6770
fax +358 20 434 6710
