Winha Student Administration Programme
The WinhaPro student administration programme serves the students through the web based student interface, WinhaWille. WinhaWille can be accessed through the OVI Portal. Instructions for WinhaWille are on the Ovi-Portal and they are also available in the Student Affairs Offices.
WinhaWille serves the students for example in the following:
Registration for the academic year
The students must register as present or absent every academic year as specified by the University of Applied Sciences. Students who fail to register will be registered as resigned and they will lose their study right.
Registration for a study unit (implementation)
Registration for a study unit entitles the student to participate in the study unit and in the exam. Registration is made according to Degree Programme specific schedule.
Registration for resit exams
In some Degree Programmes the students register for the resit exams separately through WinhaWille.
Follow-up of one’s own information on studies
Students can follow the progress of their studies, course registrations, and course participations. Also a list of the completed courses can be printed from WinhaWille. The official transcripts of records are available in the Student Affairs Office.
Personal and contact information update
The students are obliged to keep their contact information up-to-date in WinhaWille.
More Information
More information is available at the Student Affairs Office.