EVTEK Regulations
These regulations apply to all EVTEK students and staff members. Ethically acceptable manners are expected from everyone. EVTEK regulations are applied also elsewhere in the activities organised by the EVTEK.
Work at EVTEK is carried out according to the agreed schedules and working hours.
In the study environment peaceful working conditions must be given to everyone.
Cheating cases are handled by the Disciplinary Board, and either Rector or the EVTEK Board will decide on the penalty.
Everyone is responsible of keeping EVTEK informed of any changes in their permanent address.
The use of mobile phones is forbidden during teaching.
A person setting off a false fire or security alarm is responsible for covering the expenses caused by the alarm.
The property of EVTEK and of the persons studying and working there must be handled with care. In cases of lost or damaged property, the person in charge must be notified immediately. EVTEK is not responsible for personal property.
EVTEK has covered the students with accident insurance during the curricula based activities and during travel directly connected to them. When travelling abroad it is advisable to take a separate travelling insurance.
To prevent spreading of computer viruses everyone working or studying at EVTEK must follow the separate instructions concerning computer viruses.
EVTEK instructions concerning parking must be followed.
Attentention must be paid to general tidiness.
Smoking is allowed only in designated smoking areas. Smoking areas must be kept tidy.
The use of alcohol and narcotics is forbidden.
Violation of the regulations will be sanctioned. Disciplinary actions against students are stated in the Degree Regulations, section 18.