Registration for the Academic Year and Study Time
The students must register as present or absent every academic year as prescribed by the University of Applied Sciences (Act on Polytechnics 351/2003). Registration is made in the beginning of every academic year via WinhaWille student user interface of the WinhaPro student administration programme. Students will receive instructions how to use WinhaWille. Every student must register at the beginning of the academic year and the registration must be made for the whole academic year, both autumn and spring semesters. It is possible to change the registration data for the spring semester during the registration period at the change of the semesters. The academic year at the University of Applied Sciences begins on 1st of August and ends 31st of July.
If the student fails to register every year before the deadline as prescribed by the University of Applied Sciences, the student will lose the study right and will be registered as resigned
Registration for the academic year is compulsory for all students in every field of study: 19.5. - 31.8.2008.
The time to change the registration information for the spring semester will be on 2.-10.1.2009.
Registration can be made only for one academic year at a time. Registration information (present or absent) can be changed during the registration period only. WinhaWille will confirm the registration. The students should wait for this confirmation to be sure that the registration has been successful. After the registration time has ended, or after WinhaWille has confirmed the registration, the registration field will not open to the student again. In case the student wishes to change the registration data during the registration period, the student should contact the Student Affairs Office. The University of Applied Sciences may require good grounds for making this change.
The registration regulations apply to all EVTEK degree students regardless of the form or phase of the studies. These regulations apply also to those who will start, or have already started practical training, those in student exchange or starting it, those who are starting their extended year or are already studying in extended year, and those who are working on their Bachelor’s or Master´s Thesis and to all adult students. Also first year students must register.
Note! Those who are leaving for student exchange or practical training will register as present. When the students graduate they must be registered as present.
Information about study practices and student services in Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences will be given later.
Registration as Present
Students can register as present one year longer than the maximum extent of the degree. In a degree comprising 240 credit points, the students can register as present for 4 academic years + 1 extended year, i.e. maximum 5 academic years. In a degree comprising 210 credit points, the students can register as present for 3½ academic years + 1 extended year, i.e. maximum 4½ academic years. In a Master’s degree comprising 90 credit points, the student can register as present for 3 academic years + 1 extended year, i.e. maximum 4 academic years and in a Master’s degree comprising 60 credit points 2 years + 1 extended year, maximum 3 academic years.
For those who study according to an individual study plan (ISP) the study time may be shorter. In this case it will be determined by the extent of the ISP, 60 credit points/academic year and 30 credit points/semester. For example for a student whose extent of studies is 150 credit points the study time is 2½ academic years + 1 extended year. For a student whose extent of studies is 120 credit points, the study time is 2 academic years + 1 extended year.
The study time will be calculated on the basis of the time the student has registered as present regardless whether the student advances in the studies or not. Therefore, students who are registered as present should use this time in efficient studying.
Registration as Absent
The student has right to register as absent for maximum two academic years, however, only for one academic year at a time. The time the student has registered as absent will not be deducted from the study time. The right to register as absent does not apply to Master´s degree students because their studies are part time studies.
A student who has registered as absent is not entitled to participate in teaching or in exams at EVTEK and cannot graduate or have any credits recorded in the study record. Absent students are not entitled to student financial aid or to subsidised student meal Other benefits offered by EVTEK, such as the use of Internet, are also not available. Students registered as absent must cancel the student financial aid from Kela Centre for Student Financial Aid. Information on the students registered as absent will be sent from EVTEK to Kela automatically with a few months’ delay. Without the student's own cancellation of the student financial aid, Kela will, however, pay two month’s aid, which will be reclaimed. A student who has registered as absent for the whole academic year can discontinue this absence period. The time to change the registration information for the spring semester will be informed later.
In practise these absence periods often cause difficulties because the curricula or the content of the study units may change during the student’s absence time. Additionally, the curricula in the field of technology and culture are structured on the basis of the whole academic year. It may also happen that a degree programme will be cancelled and implementated again only after several years. Therefore, a student considering an absence period should discuss the matter in the Degree Programme in order to chart the situation after the absence time.
NOTE! A student can resume the studies only in the beginning of a semester, not in the middle of a semester.
EVTEK does not recommend absence periods because they will complicate the planning and progress of the studies. Efficient study time and graduation as scheduled is in the student’s own interest.
Discretionary prolongation of study time
If a student has not completed the studies latest during the extended year, the right to study will end. EVTEK may grant discretionary prolongation of study time to complete the studies on special grounds. The students should note that the discretionary prolongation of study time is always discretionary and case-specific and it will not necessarily be granted to all applicants.
The application for discretionary prolongation of study time must be made while the study entitlement is still valid. An account of the reasons for the delay in studies, a list of the uncompleted study units and a schedule for their completion must be included in the application. In Technology and in Social sciences, Business and Administration discretionary prolongation of study time can be granted only once provided that graduation during this time is realistic. Discretionary prolongation of study time cannot, however, be longer than one year. In the field of Culture the length of discretionary prolongation of study time will be considered case by case. Discretionary prolongation of study time is only granted on specific grounds that have unexpectedly interfered with the studies during the last few months of attendance. Discretionary prolongation of study time is only granted for degree studies. If the studies required for the degree have been completed, prolongation will not be granted.
The studies must be completed by the deadline stated in the decision on the discretionary prolongation of study time. Graduation day must also be within this time. The graduation will be confirmed in the meeting of the Award Board. The discretionary prolongation of study time must be valid also when the graduation will be confirmed in the meeting of the Award Board.
The studies must be completed by the deadline stated in the decision on the discretionary prolongation of study time. Graduation day must also be within the discretionary prolongation of study time. The graduation will be confirmed in the meeting of the Award Board.
If a student has not been able to complete the studies by the end of the discretionary prolongation of study time, and still wishes to complete the degree, he/she must seek readmission by following the standard application procedure.
Loss of Study Right
The study right can be lost in the two following cases.
A student who has not registered as present or absent by the deadline, will lose the study right.
A student who has not completed the studies during the time determined by the extent of the degree or by the extent of the studies (shorter Individual Study Plans), will lose the study right.
If a student loses the study right due to negligence in registering he/she can submit an application to EVTEK to restore the study right. It will be considered whether the student has realistic possibilities to complete the studies during the remaining study time. The study right can be reinstated in the beginning of the next semester earliest. All those semesters when the student had no study right because of neglected registration will be counted as terms that will be deducted from the time the student is allowed to register as absent.
If a student has lost the study right because the study right time has ended and the student has not been granted discretionary prolongation of study time, the student can apply readmission through the standard application procedure.
Retification of the decision concerning loss of study right
If a student’s application concerning restoring the study right has been rejected, the student can claim rectification from EVTEK Board within fourteen days from the notification of the decision.
Student Affairs Office of the study field in question will provide detailed information on the matters concerning study right.