in English

Adult Education

Specialisation Fields

HVAC Engineering
Electrical and IT Engineering in Buildings                                                         
Facility Management

These specialisation fields are starting in every second year. In the academic year 2007 - 2008 (in autum 2007) the Specialisation Fields in HVAC Engineering and Electrical and IT in Buildings are starting.

Goals of the Degree Programme

Bachelor of Engineering (Building Services Engineering) will receive the qualification (set in Land Use and Building Act and Decree, sections 123 and 43)
to work in supervisory and design duties in HVAC and electrical engineering.  The aim of the education is to provide the students with the knowledge and skills required as well as capability and motivation to follow the development in this field and motivation to life-long learning. The education is professionally oriented so it is possible to apply and test the achieved knowledge in one’s own work.

This education is post-graduate education for those who are working in building services or in related fields. Through this programme technicians can complete their degree into engineering degree and students with upper secondary or vocational background can complete the engineering degree while working at the same time. This education suits also for engineers who wish to expand their professional competence with HVAC or electrical engineering. Respectively the education is also suitable for engineers specialised in power current who wish to expand their professional competence in the field of electro technical data systems. The extent of the studies is 60 - 240 credit points depending on the student’s background.

An engineer graduated from this Degree Programme is employed in expert duties in building services, in environmental technology and in related fields. The engineer is also prepared to work in international environment.

Central Study Modules

During the first study year the students of the both specialisation fields will complete the basic studies which are the same in both fields. The specialisation field specific professional studies start in the spring semester of the first study year. Professional studies, on the other hand, are studied during three or four academic years.

In their professional studies HVAC Engineering students can choose either HVAC Design (30 credit points) or HVAC Contracting (30 credit points). Respectively, in Electrical and IT Engineering in Buildings the students can choose either Electrical Design (30 credit points) or Electrical and Telecommunications Contracting (30 credit points).

Study Arrangements

The studies are multiform studies. The multi-modal teaching contains contact teaching, laboratory and project work, assignments and guided independent study. When possible, the education of working adults is made more flexible by arranging project and on-the-job learning and network-based distance learning in addition to the contact learning. Independent study and motivated students are the the key factors in these studies.

The aim is to minimise the amount of contact teaching. In practice the studies are implemented in the form of various projects, independent assignments and projects in small groups, and as contact teaching during the intensive weeks. In one academic year there are seven intensive weeks (three during the autumn term and four during the spring term) One intensive week comprises one week (5 or 6 days) contact teaching at EVTEK. Contact teaching is divided into 4 hour units (i.e. in one day two, maximum three, subjects areas will be studied). The days may be long but the studies are arranged mainly between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. All the exams are arranged during these intensive weeks.

The projects are based on real problems and duties in working life. The final content of the studies is defined by the companies, students and the Degree Programme.

Structure of the Studies

BUILDING SERVICES ENGINEERING, electrical engineer and HVAC engineer      240 credit points

BASIC STUDIES 0-63 credit points
PROFESSIONAL STUDIES 75-139 credit points                                               ELECTIVE STUDIES 15 credit points

PRACTICAL TRAINING 30 credit points
BACHELOR’S THESIS 15 credit points

Contact Information

Olli Jalonen
Head of the Building Services Engineering Degree Programme
tel. +358 02 7553 828

Tuulaliina Asumalahti                                                                                      Training Coordinator / Building Services Degree  Program                                                                                                                              tel. +358 20 7553 831
