in English

Industrial Engineering and Management


Tuition in Finnish

Goals of the Degree Programme


In everyday functions of an organisation employees’ duties are easily narrowed into too narrow fields. These studies aim to broaden the perspective of different functions in an organisation, such as sales, production, logistics, administration, finance, IT administration and purchase. The focus is in understanding the connections between these different functions and in offering a possibility to participate more comprehensively in the development projects of an organisation.


In EVTEK’s Industrial Engineering and Management Degree Programme the students learn to organise, plan and control information, money and material flows more efficiently. The aim is also to diversify students' professional experience and to broaden their communicational, mathematical and natural scientific know-how to engineering level.


Special Characteristics of the Field


The thematic entities studied in Industrial Engineering and Management are not dependant on the line of business. The ways of thinking, methods and tools studied can be applied in different fields of industry and service.


The aim is to specialise in developing different processes, such as order-delivery chains. The prerequisite for developing these entities is to understand the separate functions as well the operation of an organisation as a whole.


Career Prospects


The industrial engineering and management engineers’ range of duties in the increasingly networking society is very wide. These engineers can be employed both in industry and in the service sector.


The duties of this field include expert and supervisory duties in purchasing, production, data management, personnel management, business development, product development, quality control and marketing. Typical job titles are: project manager, development engineer, design engineer, sales engineer, sales manager, operating engineer, operating manager, purchasing engineer, production manager, systems advisor, customer service engineer, consultant or entrepreneur.


Central Study Modules


The adult education follows the curriculum of the youth education. The basic studies and general professional studies aim to create natural scientific and mathematical foundation for the professional studies. Studies connected to communications, in mother tongue as well as in foreign languages, are included in the basic studies.


The professional studies contain 15 credits of technical professional studies and 15 credits of optional study units. The specialisation studies and optional studies can be chosen from EVTEK technology studies or from partner institutions.


Bachelor’s Thesis, 15 credits, is completed during the last study year. The Bachelor’s Thesis is for example and extensive design or research project on a chosen sector of this field. In most cases this project is done for a company within industrial or service sector. The central content of the professional studies build strongly on development of business functions and on different sections of the order-delivery chains and on information technology.


Study Arrangements


The aim is to acquire comprehensive know-how of the different sectors of business development and to apply and broaden this knowledge through the project works. The studies contain lectures, laboratory assignments, independent study and assignments and projects that are often completed in close cooperation with companies, which offers practical and useful experiences through the whole study time. Contact teaching is arranged on 3–4 weeknights per week.


An individual study plan (ISP) is planned for each student on the basis of earlier studies and work experience. ISP will be drawn up with the Director of the Degree Programme during the first autumn semester. The students will be informed on the general ISP meeting timetables at the beginning of autumn semester and after which they will arrange the time for they meeting with the Assistant of the Degree Programme.


At EVTEK the students can register for the study units, follow ISP studies, read study unit information and material as well as timetables through internet based OVI portal ( OVI portal ID and password will be given to students at the beginning of the academic year.


Structure and Content of the Studies



BASIC STUDIES approximately 66 credit points

PROFESSIONAL STUDIES approximately 114 credit points

OPTIONAL STUDIES 15 credit points


BACHELOR’S THESIS 15 credit points


Contact Information


Arto Ekström

Director of the Industrial Engineering and Management Degree Programme

020 7553 875

arto.ekstrom (at)


Bella Erla

Assistant of the Degree Programme

tel. +358 20 7553 975

bella.erla (at)

