in English

Institute of Art and Design

Aims and Requirements

Industrial placement is compulsory in the polytechnic studies.  The extent of the industrial placement is 30 credits and length 20 weeks.
In the placement contract the goals, content, duration and schedule as well other matters concerning the implementation and arrangements of the placement will agreed on.

The industrial placement familiarises the students with working life duties that are essential to professional studies. During this period the students also apply the achieved skills and know-how in working life duties. The aim is to familiarise the students with the working life duties of the field in a progressive manner where the requirements increase as the training advances.


Industrial placement is completed during study time. It is carried out during the placement period, but part of the placement may also be carried out during summer. Industrial placement is comparable to studies and students may apply student financial aid for this period, also during summer. Industrial placement can also be carried out as ordinary employment. In these cases the responsibility areas are the same as in normal employment. If the student is not employed by the company where he is completing his training, he is covered by the insurance of EVTEK, excluding placement abroad.
In most cases it is possible to begin the industrial placement earliest after the study units of the first study year have been completed. The requirements and implementation of the industrial placement follow the instructions set by different specialisation fields.

Industrial Placement Abroad

Industrial placement can also be completed abroad.  Primarily those students who have already advanced in their studies are supported in international placement. International placement can be applied for example through: EVTEK’s international co-operation projects, various trainee exchange projects or through one’s own contacts.

It is possible to apply for a travel grant for international placement from EVTEK. The amount of this grant may vary yearly, depending on the number of applicants and on the budgeting.  The travel tickets should be booked through the most low-priced agency.  Forms are available at the Student Affairs Office, more information on financing and insurances: Financial Secretary, Tarja Häkkinen, tel. + 358 20 7553 442 or

Supervision and Approval

During industrial placement, the students will evaluate their professional principles, content, methods, values and attitudes. The students will keep a diary during the placement period and will write a report which they will present after the placement period. The diary includes daily working hours, the main duties performed in a week, also the observations, ideas, conclusions and own estimates concerning the work, work place and placement.

In the beginning of the industrial placement students should think through the goals set for the period and for ones’ own learning through work and shortly comment these conclusions in the diary. At the end of the placement the realisation of these goals should be assessed.  One’s own learning achievements, communication skills, the required skills in working life of the field, own work contribution and also the organisational culture should be assessed. 

The industrial placement report and work certificates are needed when the placement is assessed.  A work certificate stating the information on the employer, placement time and the main duties should be requested from the employer. A well prepared industrial placement report is a part of the student’s professional portfolio.

The first page is the cover containing: the author’s name, Degree Programme, specialisation field, class code, date of the report,  place and the name of the supervisor.

The industrial placement report in CD-form and copy of the work certificate will be delivered to principal lecturer or to head of the line, who will approve the industrial placement. The industrial placement, which is a part of the degree requirements, is considered completed only after all these have been recorded as accepted in Winha.

Counselling and Guidance

The students will find suitable  place themselves.  When needed the directors of the degree programmes and principal lecturers will assist in finding a place.  By signing the industrial placement contract they also accept the place before the placement starts.
The directors of the degree programmes and the principal lecturers will give more information on the industrial placement.


Job advertisements directed to EVTEK students can be found through OVI-portal messages and through the The employer chooses which forum he wishes to use, so follow both!

More Information

EVTEK University of Applied Sciences
Institute of Art and Design
Career Services
Recruitment Coordinator Jorma Lehtinen
Placement Coordinator Raija Hölttä
Assistant Tiina Niskanen (Jobstep)
Lummetie 2b, FI-01300 Vantaa, FINLAND

telephone +358 20 7553 500
fax +358 20 7553 477

Career and Recruitment Service of the Finnish Polytechnics
