in English

Institute of Technology

Industrial placement is an important part of the engineering studies. It provides the opportunity to learn practical duties, apply the achieved knowledge and skills in working life and to evaluate one’s own skills and interests in real working environment. The industrial placement also guides the students towards initiative and responsibility when seeking employment as well as when working.

Aims and requirements

Aims and implementation of industrial placement are degree programme-specific.The degree contains 20 weeks of (30 credit points) industrial placement. All industrial placement is undertaken during study time. A student has to complete all industrial placement before graduation.

All industrial placement is undertaken in the work tasks related to one's field of study. A student should aim at an upward trend and professional growth when undertaking industrial placement. In the beginning of studies, a student can aim at practical tasks and as the knowledge and skills increase, he/she should aim at more demanding tasks that lead towards engineering profession such as planning, development or managerial tasks.


Industrial placement is undertaken during the 5th periods of the academic year and during summer breaks. Industrial placement has to be completed at least in two separate parts. More information can be found on degree programme-specific guidelines.

Industrial placement is usually carried out as paid employment. If needed, students can apply student financial aid for the training period (see ‘Social Benefits during the Study Time).

Industrial Placement Abroad

When applicable, industrial placement can also be completed abroad. International placement can be applied for example through: EVTEK’s international co-operation projects, IAESTE, Leonardo and Nordjobb trainee exchange projects or through one’s own contacts. An International Industrial Placement Report must be written on the international placement period. It is possible to apply for a travel grant for international placement from the Career Services.

Supervision and Approval

The director of degree programme supervises the industrial placement and is responsible for its quality. Director of degree programme also approves the industrial placement on the basis of the work certificates. Also a Industrial Placement Report has to be written concerning the placement. The assistant of the degree programme will give more information on the approval practises.

Counselling and Guidance

Basic information on the industrial placement and job applications can be found on OVI-portal at Information > Documents > Students > Industrial placement. Also the degree programme specific lists of industrial placement employers and workplaces of the graduates can be found there.

More detailed information on the content and arrangements of the industrial placement will be given in the info meetings of the study groups. These info meetings are arranged together with the director of the degree programme in question. Separate info meetings are also arranged to instruct in the use of (the Career and Recruitment Service of the Finnish Polytechnics).


Job advertisements directed to EVTEK students can be found on OVI-portal's messages and on The employer chooses which forum he wishes to use, so follow both!

More Information

EVTEK University of Applied Sciences
Career Services
Student Placement Coordinator Anja Saiyar
Assistant Jenni Järvinen
Assistant Tiina Niskanen (Jobstep)
Vanha maantie 6, FI-02650 Espoo, FINLAND

telephone +358 20 7553 500
fax           +358 20 7553 827

Career and Recruitment Service of the Finnish Polytechnics

Office Hours

Leppävaara: Monday – Thursday at 10 - 12
                    Jenni Järvinen, room b127.4

Myyrmäki:   You can book an appointment to Myyrmäki from .

Office closed during exam periods and holidays.
Other times according to agreement.

Personal guidance: Please, make an appointment beforehand!
