Internationalisation at Home (IaH)
Every year a few EVTEK students go on student exchange while others do work placement abroad. The students who for some reason have no opportunity to participate in student exchange programmes can gain international experience along with their studies here at EVTEK with the help of so called Internationalisation at Home. There are many forms of Internationalisation at Home, for example, taking courses on international topics, work placement in an international company in Finland and doing the Bachelor`s Thesis with a foreign student. Some choices are introduced below.
Courses in English
There are four international bachelor-level degree programmes in English at EVTEK: European Business Administration, European Management, Information Technology and Media Engineering. These programmes have more than 500 students. In addition to this, approx. 150 exchange students from partner institutions from all over the world study at EVTEK annually. There are more than fifty different nationalities at EVTEK. All this creates an authentic international atmosphere at the university. You can finish your compulsory studies and improve your language skills at the same time when you participate in courses/lectures that are taught in English.
In addition to the international degree programmes, EVTEK offers a few courses in English every year. It makes sense to use this opportunity and study and improve your language skills at the same time! Further information from the Degree Programmes.
The EVTEK Summer School which is organised every August offers the opportunity to study courses that are taught in English. Every student of EVTEK is welcome to participate in these courses.
Language Studies
EVTEK offers versatile opportunities to study languages. Representatives of labour market regard it a self-evident fact that students who graduate from a university of applied sciences master their field of study least in one, maybe even in two foreign languages. Although English is the most popular foreign language you can get a competitive advantage on the labour market by studying and knowing relatively well, for example, German, French or Spanish. The efficient studies of German, French, Spanish, Italian or Russian languages, started already in the beginning of the first year of your studies will extend your student exchange opportunities. The Swedish course is intended especially for those students who will do the work placement in Sweden.
Institute of Technology
Finnish, Swedish and English are the mandatory languages for the Institute of Technology students and the scope of these language courses focuses on the professional field. Spanish, Japanese and German from scratch are offered as elective languages. (Please note that the language of instruction in these courses is Finnish.) There are also discussion courses conducted by a native English speaking teacher.
School of Business Administration
In addition to the selection of foreign languages offered in the field of business administration studies the native-speaking teachers teach Spanish, French and German in the international double degree programmes. You can register for these language courses through WinhaWille until the end of August and January. We highly recommend that you join these language groups as there are usually places available.
Institute of Art and Design
English and Swedish languages and communication belong to the compulsory studies in the degree programmes at the Institute of Art and Design. The teaching focuses on topics and terminology related to the degree programme and the professional communication skills in accordance with the European framework for languages. Outgoing exchange or work placement students are also taken into consideration in the teaching. Foreign experts give lectures in foreign languages and contribute to the language studies.
Visiting Lecturers
Several foreign lecturers visit EVTEK annually. They usually come to give lecture on the basis of the Erasmus teacher mobility agreements and they bring along new ideas and points of view to their subject. You will get further information about the courses of visiting lecturers from the Degree Programmes and also from evtek website the Special Courses section Some courses of the visiting lecturers are also open for students of other degree programmes. So, you should check the course selection of other degree programmes, too.
International Days
International Days are organised on the premises of EVTEK in Espoo and Vantaa every autumn and spring. There the exchange students and international degree students tell about their home countries. In addition to this students now being on exchange at EVTEK and former exchange students of EVTEK promote the exchange institutions to students. The International Office participates, too. The Days are full of dainties from all over the world, exotic music, quiz and international atmosphere.
International Tutoring
Approximately 150 exchange students from partner institutions from all over the world come to study at EVTEK annually. The main objective of the International Tutoring is to make the incoming exchange student to feel welcome and to help him to get familiar with Finnish students, studies at EVTEK, student life, the culture and the country. Besides this principal goal we also try to give a positive image of Finland and the metropolitan area of Helsinki and of EVTEK as a studying place.
The International Tutoring offers a Finnish student an opportunity to Internationalisation at Home. One will get a chance to get to know new, interesting people and their cultures. In addition, it is a nice way to spend your leisure time. An international tutor must show interest in incoming exchange students, possess sufficient knowledge of languages, commitment for hosting and guiding especially during the first days and positive attitude!
The international tutors will be trained before the exchange students arrive to Finland. During the training we go through the essential tasks of a tutor, get to know other tutors and plan the tutoring actions together. International tutors will meet the incoming exchange students as they arrive to Finland and assist them with practical arrangements in the beginning of their exchange period (for example, banking, telephone, transportation, etc.). International tutors organise various events for exchange students. In general, international tutors make new exchange students familiar with the region/ the metropolitan area of Helsinki, with the degree programme and with other students, student events and happenings and also help them to solve possible problems.
However the International Tutoring is much more than being just an errand boy and organising events and happenings. Tutors will have the chance to make close relationships with different people and their cultures. New friends, fun activities and improvement or maintenance of language skills are some of the rewards of the International Tutoring. International tutors will make long term friends with people from all over the world and these friendships may bring a lot of joy to life and be useful in the future.