Useful Websites and References
- Centre for International Mobility CIMO ( )
- The Social Insurance Institution of Finland KELA (
- Europa portal
- Minna Aro: ”Opiskelijana vieraassa kulttuurissa”. Helsinki: Opetushallitus, 1998.
- SAMOK: ”Ulkomaille lähtevän opiskelijan opas 2003”. Helsinki, 2003.
- Pohjois-Karjalan amk: ”Vaihtopokkari 2002-2003 opiskelijalle”. Joensuu, 2002.
- HKKK: ”KTM-opiskelijavaihto-ohjelma: Lukuvuosi 2004-2005”. Helsinki, 2003.
- Liisa Salo-Lee, Raija Malmberg ja Raimo Halinoja: " Me ja muut: Kultturienvälinen viestintä". Jyväskylä. Yle-opetuspalvelut, 1998.
Useful Websites
Go Abroad
Go Abroad virtual modules offer you information on globalisation and support your own internationalisation. Moona module helps you to include internationalisation to your degree. Valtteri module guides you to student exchange. Go Abroad provides you with general information about internationalisation and student exchange. Please note that the specific information and instructions for student exchanges from EVTEK can be found in this eStudy Guide. Go Abroad is for polytechnic student and staff use only. In order to access Go Abroad you need username and password, which can be found in OVIportal ( > OVIportal > Dokumentit > AMK opiskelijat > Kansainväliset asiat > Lomakkeet).
Studying abroad
- Ploteus portal: Information about education opportunities in Europe
- Eurydice: Information about educational systems in Europe
- Finnish National Board of Education : Recognition and International Comparability of Qualifications
Centre for International Mobility CIMO, Finland - Allianssi Youth Exchange
- Cosmomind: Information and experiences about travelling and living abroad
- Europa portal (European Union)
- Haloo Norden portal (Nordic Council of Ministries)
KulttuuriGuru: Intercultural training for students going aborad (in Finnish)
(Produced by Leonardo Mobility project by Helsinki University of Technology, Lappenranta University of Technology Teknillisen korkeakoulun and Tampere University of Technology) - On-line Cultural Training Resource for Study Abroad:
Intercultural training for students going aborad
(University of Southern California ja the University of the Pacific)
- Kilroy Travels
- STA Travel
- Ebookers
- Supersaver
- Superfast Ferries
- VR
- Matkahuolto
- International Youth and Student Accommodation Network
Country specific information
- CIMO’s country specific guides (in Finnish)
- Europa portal (European Union)
- Fulbright Center (USA and Canada)
- British Council (United Kingdom)
- Embassy of France
- DAAD (Germany)
- Haloo Norden portal (Nordic Council of Ministries)
- Embassies
- Finnish Polytechnic Network for East and Southeast Asia
- Virtual Finland (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
- World Radio Network
- Helsingin Sanomat -newspaper
Insurance companies
Residence and work permits and practices
- Kela Student Financial Aid
- Finnish Cultural Foundation
- The National Union of Students in Finland
- Fulbright Center
- British Council
Language courses and tests
- Erasmus Intensive Language Courses
- The Finnish National Board of Education Language Degrees (in Finnish)
- TOEFL (English)
- IELTS (English)
- Goethe Institut (German)
- Dialang language tests
Practical training / work placements abroad
- Centre for International Mobility CIMO , Finland
- Ministry of Labour , Finland
- Jobstep
- Europa portal (Euroopan Union)
- Oikotie